Friday, July 31, 2009
Populist anger rocks the People's House

Hey, I'm also thankful for the Senate's role as a saucer meant to cool the passions of the People's House.
But dang, ain't them congresscritters fun to watch!
House votes to clamp limits on Wall Street bonuses
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hank Williams Jr. makes a good point: Why can't President Obama, Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Sgt. James Crowley just get a long -- neck!
Good luck with the Presidential Brew-haha, y'all!
Redneck peace overtures are the best kinda peace overtures!
"Why Can't We All Just Get a Longneck?"
by Bocephus
There’s crime in the city streets
Always trouble in the middle east
How do we let things get so out of hand
Just watching the evening news
That would give anybody the blues
The more I know, I think, the less I understand
Oh, why can’t we all just get a long neck?
And make a toast to peace and harmony
Why why cant we all just get a long neck?
See how good gettin’ along might be
I’d like to buy the world a round
In a honky tonk on neutral ground
Where we can see inside we’re all the same
Pop a top and let the good times pour
‘Til we forget what we’re fighting for
I’ll ask again could someone please explain?
Oh why can’t we all just get a long neck?
And make a toast to peace and harmony
Why why cant we all just get a long neck?
See how good gettin’ along might be
And different as we may be
We’re all one big family
Can’t we just agree we’re gonna disagree?!
Oh why can’t we all just get a long neck?
And make a toast to peace and harmony
Why Why why cant we all just get a long neck?
See how good gettin’ along can be
And see how good getting along could be
Que Pasa!!!!!
Redneck peace overtures are the best kinda peace overtures!
"Why Can't We All Just Get a Longneck?"
by Bocephus
There’s crime in the city streets
Always trouble in the middle east
How do we let things get so out of hand
Just watching the evening news
That would give anybody the blues
The more I know, I think, the less I understand
Oh, why can’t we all just get a long neck?
And make a toast to peace and harmony
Why why cant we all just get a long neck?
See how good gettin’ along might be
I’d like to buy the world a round
In a honky tonk on neutral ground
Where we can see inside we’re all the same
Pop a top and let the good times pour
‘Til we forget what we’re fighting for
I’ll ask again could someone please explain?
Oh why can’t we all just get a long neck?
And make a toast to peace and harmony
Why why cant we all just get a long neck?
See how good gettin’ along might be
And different as we may be
We’re all one big family
Can’t we just agree we’re gonna disagree?!
Oh why can’t we all just get a long neck?
And make a toast to peace and harmony
Why Why why cant we all just get a long neck?
See how good gettin’ along can be
And see how good getting along could be
Que Pasa!!!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Insightful tips for the churchy -- not
"10 Ways to Hinder Your Church" -- from Neil, who got it from somebody else.
Um, good list -- for a bunch of fifth-graders. Good Lord. I'd say anyone for whom any of these is an issue has much bigger issues.
Jesus, so to speak. It's CHURCH, not a social club.
We can do better than that without breaking a sweat, surely.
"10 Better Ways to Hinder Your Church"
I'll start!
1. Be hateful.
Um, good list -- for a bunch of fifth-graders. Good Lord. I'd say anyone for whom any of these is an issue has much bigger issues.
Jesus, so to speak. It's CHURCH, not a social club.
We can do better than that without breaking a sweat, surely.
"10 Better Ways to Hinder Your Church"
I'll start!
1. Be hateful.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My probable fall textbooks!
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! My name is ER and I am a bibliophile!
("Hi, ER!")
Introduction to Hebrew Bible
History of Christianity II
("Hi, ER!")
Introduction to Hebrew Bible
History of Christianity II
Monday, July 27, 2009
Call me 'Stunt Pastor'
:-) I had the honor of being worship leader at church yesterday during our Distinguished Pulpit Series, which meant, with the pastor absent, that I basically did everything during the service except preach and lead the choir.
Very cool.
My own Pastoral Prayer (but thanks to the one who lent me a little language on Iran! And for helping me get the idea that "Life is Prayer."):
Lord God, I was asked to fill in with a Pastoral Prayer. And I thought: I'm no pastor. But then I thought: Yes, I am, in a way. We all are – in a way. We all are – on The Way.
If we love another. If we encourage one another. If we challenge one another. If we accept one another. If we sometimes dare lead one another.
If we feed one another, and others. If we clothe one another, and others. If we give cups of cold water in Jesus's name, to one another, and others.
If we share our lives with one another, and others, and if we realize that Life is Prayer.
Lord God, the lives of the people of Iran are crying out for liberty. May Your will bend toward the voices of the Iranian people and establish the freedom and full justice they have long been working for.
O God, Life is Prayer. Then, Lord God, accept this mere prayer of words, and remind us to pastor one another and to love others – every single other -- with words and with deeds. Amen.
Benediction, from the hymnal, but I edited it slightly (of course):
May we love God so much that we love nothing else too much!
May we be awed by God enough that we need fear nothing else at all!
Amen, y'all, and Amen.
Very cool.
My own Pastoral Prayer (but thanks to the one who lent me a little language on Iran! And for helping me get the idea that "Life is Prayer."):
Lord God, I was asked to fill in with a Pastoral Prayer. And I thought: I'm no pastor. But then I thought: Yes, I am, in a way. We all are – in a way. We all are – on The Way.
If we love another. If we encourage one another. If we challenge one another. If we accept one another. If we sometimes dare lead one another.
If we feed one another, and others. If we clothe one another, and others. If we give cups of cold water in Jesus's name, to one another, and others.
If we share our lives with one another, and others, and if we realize that Life is Prayer.
Lord God, the lives of the people of Iran are crying out for liberty. May Your will bend toward the voices of the Iranian people and establish the freedom and full justice they have long been working for.
O God, Life is Prayer. Then, Lord God, accept this mere prayer of words, and remind us to pastor one another and to love others – every single other -- with words and with deeds. Amen.
Benediction, from the hymnal, but I edited it slightly (of course):
May we love God so much that we love nothing else too much!
May we be awed by God enough that we need fear nothing else at all!
Amen, y'all, and Amen.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Did Facebook kill the Blogger star?
Mic check. Mic check. Is this thing on?
If yer there, check in please.
I dunno. Video Killed the Radio Star -- maybe Facebook is killing blogs? Technological advancement is relentless!
On the other hand, Facebook has its drawbacks! Behold! You gotta know a little about Facebook to fully appreciate, but it is the funniest thing I've seen in a LONG time! LOL
If yer there, check in please.
I dunno. Video Killed the Radio Star -- maybe Facebook is killing blogs? Technological advancement is relentless!
On the other hand, Facebook has its drawbacks! Behold! You gotta know a little about Facebook to fully appreciate, but it is the funniest thing I've seen in a LONG time! LOL
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Let freedom ring in Iran: The 'Net is watching

Someone close to me has turned her Facebook profile page into a "prayer wall" for Iran today. Feel free to leave a prayer in the comments here, and I'll pass it along.
Friday, July 24, 2009
' ... that saved an ink-stained wretch like me ...'
Hitting me where it counts, as I dare ponder broadening the scope of my calling as a communicator ...
"In a special way I have come to recognize the prayer written by the great communicator apostle Paul as a 'journalist's prayer': "And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God." (Philippians 1:9-11, NIV)
Read the rest of "God the Communicator," by the Rev. Arne H. Fjeldstad, D. Min.
From Gegrapha: "What I have Written, I have Written.".
"In a special way I have come to recognize the prayer written by the great communicator apostle Paul as a 'journalist's prayer': "And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God." (Philippians 1:9-11, NIV)
Read the rest of "God the Communicator," by the Rev. Arne H. Fjeldstad, D. Min.
From Gegrapha: "What I have Written, I have Written.".
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Matt-Bob 25: 34-40
"To the ones on the right, he’ll say, ‘Y’all come on! My Father has blessed y’all. Come and get what’s comin’ to you. It’s been ready for you all along, from the get-go, from the earliest inklings of the world. And here’s how come:
"I was as hungry as a horse, and you fed me some vittles. I was chokin’ on dust, and you put cool, clear water to my dry, cracked lips. I was a foreigner, a stranger with ways different than your own, and you welcomed me with open arms in spite of all your misgivings. I was buck naked and you put some britches on me, and a shirt, and some shoes. I was sicker’n a dog and you took care of me. I was in jail, and you came to see me.’
"And the righteous ones on the right will say, ‘Do what? When did we see you hungry and fill your belly, or thirsty and give you somethin’ to drink? When did we see you as a foreigner and have you come on in the house, or buck naked and cover you up? And when in the world did we see you sick or behind bars, and come see you?’
"And he’ll say, ‘I tell you what: When you did it for one of the least amongst you, for somebody nobody else was payin’ any attention to at all, why, you were doin’ it for me.’ "
"I was as hungry as a horse, and you fed me some vittles. I was chokin’ on dust, and you put cool, clear water to my dry, cracked lips. I was a foreigner, a stranger with ways different than your own, and you welcomed me with open arms in spite of all your misgivings. I was buck naked and you put some britches on me, and a shirt, and some shoes. I was sicker’n a dog and you took care of me. I was in jail, and you came to see me.’
"And the righteous ones on the right will say, ‘Do what? When did we see you hungry and fill your belly, or thirsty and give you somethin’ to drink? When did we see you as a foreigner and have you come on in the house, or buck naked and cover you up? And when in the world did we see you sick or behind bars, and come see you?’
"And he’ll say, ‘I tell you what: When you did it for one of the least amongst you, for somebody nobody else was payin’ any attention to at all, why, you were doin’ it for me.’ "
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Focus on the Patriarchy starts a blog
OK, technically, for tax-exempt purposes, it's Focus on the Patriarchy Action (Focus on the Family Action).
Check it out: DriveThru. Nothing sexy. About what I expected.
NOT presented for flaming purposes! I don't plan to comment over there, but if I do, I'll be civil.
Check it out: DriveThru. Nothing sexy. About what I expected.
NOT presented for flaming purposes! I don't plan to comment over there, but if I do, I'll be civil.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Fallacies as big as Dallas
Update on my every-other-day reading (it's my treadmill book) of JOE DALLAS, "A Strong Delusion: Confronting the 'Gay Christian' Movement":
Um, I'm not the quickest at spotting straw men, although my eyes usually adjust before long and I can call 'em out -- but Geez Louise!
Joe Dallas -- recommended by Focus on the Patriarchy (Focus on the Family) -- seems to be writing from inside his own scarecrow! With melodrama worthy of "Night Gallery"!
Um, I'm not the quickest at spotting straw men, although my eyes usually adjust before long and I can call 'em out -- but Geez Louise!
Joe Dallas -- recommended by Focus on the Patriarchy (Focus on the Family) -- seems to be writing from inside his own scarecrow! With melodrama worthy of "Night Gallery"!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Besbol been beddy beddy good to me

A fine time was had by all! Myself, my good ol' friend fellow scribe-turnin'-Presby preacher, his smarter half, their girl young'un, 6, their boy young'un, 9, and another boy young'un, 9.
Kinda took the edge off my own Bird havin' flown and Dr. ER bein' gone down to Houston for the week. :-)
More to it than circuses and bread, Mr. DrLoboJo! (Insert "Bah!" here: ----.)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Cool (low 90s) July night at the ballpark
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Peace in my time (take 2)
Still life: Friday night, July 17, 2-ought-ought-9. Bailey is content.

(That book is "Lonesome Dove." My angle coulda been better.)

(That book is "Lonesome Dove." My angle coulda been better.)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Peace in my time
Total Blogger tech failure! Photos lost! Text lost! Post lost!
Yet the headline survived. How fricking ironic.
I am THIS close to abandoning "modernity" and all of its contraptions and headin' for the woods. AUUUUUUUUGH!
Total Blogger tech failure! Photos lost! Text lost! Post lost!
Yet the headline survived. How fricking ironic.
I am THIS close to abandoning "modernity" and all of its contraptions and headin' for the woods. AUUUUUUUUGH!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
'A Strong Delusion'
So, I'm reading JOE DALLAS, "A Strong Delusion: Confronting the 'Gay Christian' Movement" -- strongly suggested reading by Focus on the Patriarchy (Focus on the Family) -- and so far, he's confirming my own thinking.
He is equating the Bible itself with the Word, and his whole argument is based on the assertion that a literal reading of Scripture, and chaining all possible meaning for us today of its varrious writings to the original time, context and audience, is the only way to interpret.
Still reading, though. Convince me, Mr. Dallas.
He is equating the Bible itself with the Word, and his whole argument is based on the assertion that a literal reading of Scripture, and chaining all possible meaning for us today of its varrious writings to the original time, context and audience, is the only way to interpret.
Still reading, though. Convince me, Mr. Dallas.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
'Dear Old People Who Run the World'
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Jesus redux: 'Not like an encore on a stage'
"Even then, fakers and false Savers and sorry, no-good lyin’ preachers and fake know-it-alls will be cropping up here and there and yonder. If somebody says, ‘Here! Here is the Saver!’ Or, ‘There! There is the Saver!’ don’t buy it! It’ll get tricky. They’ll have magic tricks and soothing words and signs and wonders so impressive that God’s rescue posse itself, if it were possible, could be busted up and sent scatterin’.
"But I’ve given you a heads-up. So if somebody says, ‘There’s the Saver! Out in the country!’ Or somebody says, ‘There he is! In an office building downtown!’ And big crowds are gathering? Don’t bite. The Saver, the Son of Man, will come like lightning, not like an encore of an act on a stage that folks can gather themselves up to see!"
(Matthew 24: 23-28)
"But I’ve given you a heads-up. So if somebody says, ‘There’s the Saver! Out in the country!’ Or somebody says, ‘There he is! In an office building downtown!’ And big crowds are gathering? Don’t bite. The Saver, the Son of Man, will come like lightning, not like an encore of an act on a stage that folks can gather themselves up to see!"
(Matthew 24: 23-28)
Monday, July 13, 2009
What 'modesty'? What judicial 'restraint'?
"For all the talk of 'modesty" and "restraint,' the right wing Justices of the Court have a striking record of ignoring precedent, overturning congressional statutes, limiting constitutional protections, and discovering new constitutional rights ..."
What a "conservative" SCOTUS really looks like!
Read all of U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's opening statement at the confirmation hearing of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court of the United States.
More of him, please.
What a "conservative" SCOTUS really looks like!
Read all of U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's opening statement at the confirmation hearing of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court of the United States.
More of him, please.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
New light, ancient path
Great balance, or tension, between the Prayer of Confession and the sermon text this morning!
The Prayer of Confession:
"Lord of Life, we gather as a community of free people who believe that there is yet more light to break forth from Your word and Your spirit. Open our hearts and minds to the wisdom that surrounds us, and then help us to act on the truth we receive. It is not enough to talk about the good; we must do good, and begin by loving the neighbor. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth our Teacher and Lord we pray, Amen."
The sermon text:
Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)
"This is what the LORD says:
'Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.'
But you said, 'We will not walk in it.' "
They only seem contradictory at first. New light. Ancient paths. That's what Jesus was all about, wasn't it?
What's more ancient, in the Judeo-Christian sense, than to strive to love God and love neighbor as yourself? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with God?
Yet, as we say in the United Church of Christ: God is still speaking.
The Prayer of Confession:
"Lord of Life, we gather as a community of free people who believe that there is yet more light to break forth from Your word and Your spirit. Open our hearts and minds to the wisdom that surrounds us, and then help us to act on the truth we receive. It is not enough to talk about the good; we must do good, and begin by loving the neighbor. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth our Teacher and Lord we pray, Amen."
The sermon text:
Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)
"This is what the LORD says:
'Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.'
But you said, 'We will not walk in it.' "
They only seem contradictory at first. New light. Ancient paths. That's what Jesus was all about, wasn't it?
What's more ancient, in the Judeo-Christian sense, than to strive to love God and love neighbor as yourself? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with God?
Yet, as we say in the United Church of Christ: God is still speaking.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Santa Ema, Cabernet, 2005

The other day, for only the second time ever, I ordered a case of wine.
Santa Ema, Cabernet. Reserve.
A Chilean red.
Experts have their own words for it, but to me it's mouthy, full, ready and THERE for any red meat or spicy red sauce you can throw at it -- even jalapenos.
It has heft, but lifts off a little at the finish.
Damn. Good. Wine.
Tried some at a tasting in Houston. Bought two bottles there. Had to have a case.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Service with a surprised smile & a cookie!
Me, to an old friend, a PK (preacher's kid, fundy preacher), from my youth:
Hey, tell your dad I'm taking some seminary classes this fall. Crazy liberal seminary. :-) A Disciples-affiliated school that is in covenant with the crazy liberal United Church of Christ. My church is a UCC church. And I'm a crazy liberal deacon there. :-) Hoo hoo. :-)
Old friend, graciously ignoring my asshattery:
NO WAY! That is awesome. Seriously, you are serving the Lord and that is great.
Gulp. You know, I can be pretty thick, but I never thought of it that way.
Serving peeps who are seeking God, and themselves serving others -- yes.
But serving the Lord? I reckon that *is* the same thing in some ways.
Maybe something like servin' cups of Gatorade from an aid/refreshment station to runners in a marathon -- especially when it comes to servin' and cleanin' up after Communion.
But mainly what I serve is cookies! Good Lord! I had no idea how great and routine was the church's need for cookies! LOL! :-) Every time I turn around, I'm bein' hit up to bring a dozen. :-)
Happy Friday, y'all.
Hey, tell your dad I'm taking some seminary classes this fall. Crazy liberal seminary. :-) A Disciples-affiliated school that is in covenant with the crazy liberal United Church of Christ. My church is a UCC church. And I'm a crazy liberal deacon there. :-) Hoo hoo. :-)
Old friend, graciously ignoring my asshattery:
NO WAY! That is awesome. Seriously, you are serving the Lord and that is great.
Gulp. You know, I can be pretty thick, but I never thought of it that way.
Serving peeps who are seeking God, and themselves serving others -- yes.
But serving the Lord? I reckon that *is* the same thing in some ways.
Maybe something like servin' cups of Gatorade from an aid/refreshment station to runners in a marathon -- especially when it comes to servin' and cleanin' up after Communion.
But mainly what I serve is cookies! Good Lord! I had no idea how great and routine was the church's need for cookies! LOL! :-) Every time I turn around, I'm bein' hit up to bring a dozen. :-)
Happy Friday, y'all.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
'Black panties with an angel's face'? 'Angel flying too close to the ground'? 'Entertaining angels unawares'?

So, what's y'alls' take on angels?
On Facebook, ER took the Who is your Guardian Angel? quiz and the result is Michael.
"Who is like God," "Like unto God," "Who is like the Divine" -- The first Angel created by God, Michael is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity. Michael protects us physically, emotionally and psychically. He also oversees the lightworker's life purpose. His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear. Michael carries a flaming sword that he uses to cut through etheric cords and protects us from Satan and negative entities. When he's around you may see sparkles or flashes of bright blue or purple light. Michael is helping if you find yourself under psychic attack or if you feel you lack commitment, motivation and dedication to your beliefs, courage, direction, energy, vitality, self-esteem, worthiness. Michael helps us to realize our life's purpose and he's invaluable to lightworkers helping with protection, space clearing and spirit releasement. Michael conquered the fallen Angel Satan, was in the Garden of Eden to teach Adam how to farm and care for his family, spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and in 1950 he was canonized as Saint Michael, "the patron of Police Officers," because he helps with heroic deeds and bravery. Michael also has an incredible knack for fixing electrical and mechanical devices, including computers and automobiles. Michael helps us to follow our truth without compromising our integrity and helps us to find our true natures and to be faithful to who we really are. Michael's message is dont be afraid to stand for what you believe in and to fight for what you desire in life!!
Well, that's nice.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
It's all I've got.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Erudite Redneck, B.S., B.S., M.A., (M.T.S.)
Just tryin' it on. Oldtimers around here, both of you, will recall that the original name of this place was "Erudite Redneck, B.S., B.S., (M.A.)," then it was "Erudite Redneck, B.S., B.S., M.A." after I finished the M.A.
Just tryin' it on. ...
Just tryin' it on. ...
Sunday, July 05, 2009
'Our brief pilgrimage is an astonishment'
PRAYER OF CONFESSION today at church:
"Lord of Life, we pause in midsummer to remember that our days are numbered, our death is certain, and our embrace of the transience of life is the most important step we take in the embrace of uncertainty. As we scatter for travel, or stay home to tend the garden, let us not forget that to be a community is to live in one another's hearts. This community is blessed; our faces are sacred; our brief pilgrimage is an astonishment. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, our Teacher and Lord we pray, Amen."
"Lord of Life, we pause in midsummer to remember that our days are numbered, our death is certain, and our embrace of the transience of life is the most important step we take in the embrace of uncertainty. As we scatter for travel, or stay home to tend the garden, let us not forget that to be a community is to live in one another's hearts. This community is blessed; our faces are sacred; our brief pilgrimage is an astonishment. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, our Teacher and Lord we pray, Amen."
Saturday, July 04, 2009
To Liberty! Understood and Misunderstood!
Likely fall seminary classes: Yum
HB 500: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (3 hrs.)
An introduction to the literature and thought of the Hebrew scriptures set within the social worlds of Israel and the ancient Near East. The survey primarily covers Genesis-Kings and emphasizes social-scientific and narrative analysis of biblical texts.
CD 501: Orientation to Theological Research (.5 hr.)
This course will provide instruction on how to find, evaluate, and cite research resources in the PTS library and through online access. Hands-on instruction in the use of the computer for research will be emphasized. Students will bring an actual assignment from a course they are currently taking and utilize the instruction in this course to help them gather the resources to complete that assignment.
HS 504: History of Christianity lI: Reformation and Modern (3 hrs.)
A survey of the Christian church from the Reformation era to modern times. Special attention will be given to the diversity and unity of the church in the period, to the divisions and reconciliations that have shaped various contemporary Christian communities.
Hmmm ...
An introduction to the literature and thought of the Hebrew scriptures set within the social worlds of Israel and the ancient Near East. The survey primarily covers Genesis-Kings and emphasizes social-scientific and narrative analysis of biblical texts.
CD 501: Orientation to Theological Research (.5 hr.)
This course will provide instruction on how to find, evaluate, and cite research resources in the PTS library and through online access. Hands-on instruction in the use of the computer for research will be emphasized. Students will bring an actual assignment from a course they are currently taking and utilize the instruction in this course to help them gather the resources to complete that assignment.
HS 504: History of Christianity lI: Reformation and Modern (3 hrs.)
A survey of the Christian church from the Reformation era to modern times. Special attention will be given to the diversity and unity of the church in the period, to the divisions and reconciliations that have shaped various contemporary Christian communities.
Hmmm ...
Friday, July 03, 2009
Dog catches car; ER accepted into seminary

God help me.
Prayers, condolences, congratulations, intervention and any other doggone thing y'all think I need now all welcome!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Lurching toward the Fourth of July

Still have not managed to use the grill in 2009! Cowflesh is on my mind bigtime, though, so that's the plan for tomorrow evening: Ribeyes as big as my arm, and some weinies to have around the house, as we say. But first a bunch of yard work, then a bunch of inside-the-house work.
Saturday, if Dr. ER is up to it, we'll go watch the local Independence Day parade. Saturday afternoon, I'm gonna try to run to Mustang (southwest OKC 'burb) to see an old friend. Saturday night, if Dr. ER is up to it, we'll do our usual watchin' of the fireworks at the local college.
That's it. Nothing spectacular, although I'll probably make my annual sad trip to a fireworks stand to get some smoke bombs or something else wussy with which to amuse Bailey. Living in town sucks this time of year. :-(
Maybe I'll be a real outlaw this year and buy a little bitty pack of firecrackers. Black Cats, of course. I'm partial to the brand, for reasons that ought to be clear. :-)
Y'alls' plans for the holiday weekend?
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
'Hermione,' say it ain't so!
Emma Watson -- yes, I think she is a doll -- goes berzack.
Ugh. Yuck. P.U.
I liked Avril Lavigne's dark-eyed "punk" look. But it ain't Emma's thing!
Emma Watson -- yes, I think she is a doll -- goes berzack.
Ugh. Yuck. P.U.
I liked Avril Lavigne's dark-eyed "punk" look. But it ain't Emma's thing!