Wednesday, January 23, 2008


'Ennis, I swear ...'

(So, of course, "the system" is down at work when I'm in a major hurry to get done, get out and get on a plane. I hear that back in the old days, when one person's typewriter broke, all the others kept working. Sigh.)

So, a moment of silence for Heath Ledger. I thought "Brokeback Mountain" was a great story. Dr. ER went crazy for it -- bought the movie, soundtrack, short story and screen play.)

Yesterday's text message conversation ...

3:54 p.m. ER: Tmz: heath ledger dead!! ... (ER) is sorry. ...

(Dr. ER calls me immediately. I confirm the news.)

7:12 p.m. Dr. ER ... (Miz S.) and I exchanged text condolences, we both love Ennis.

7:16 p.m. ER: I know! He made history with a truly tragic character that touched my (Dr. ER), and so touchf (sic) me.

7:21 p.m. Dr. ER: I am surprised, seriously, that I am so blue. It's not like Dale, but it still socked me in the gut. Earlier, i had this thought running in my head, "Heath, I swear ..." and I thinj (sic) it's like both jack and ennis are gone. Dangit. I think I will go make a cappuccino.

9:18 p.m. ER: Ha! Ok. ... I didn't know heath's babe was with his bb wife.

9:20 p.m. Dr. ER: Yeah! That's why their relationship was so cool. If (former boss) was at (former paper), he'd have a quote from McMurtry.

9:21 p.m. ER: Yep.

9:23 p.m. Dr. ER: The tv media is pissing me off, though. I guess they think they can say or speculate anything because the dead can't sue.

9:24 p.m. ER: And a story bout the only pop culture reference ever of childress, tx.

In memory, a reprise of "Catback Mountain" ...


28 years old. that is kind of young. My youngest kid is 28.
This is very sad. I never saw Brokeback Mountain, but I loved Heath Ledger in The Brothers Grimm (even with Matt Damon in it!). Very sad.

To think Pauly Shore is still alive.
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