Tuesday, July 11, 2006


'Mouse trap

So, I thought the Anonymice were probably gettin' restless, since I hadn't posted anything remotely controversial in a few days. I misunderestimated their desperate need to bitch.

See here: I'm attacked for not liking Jeff Gordon, presumably because "He is a Christian," which is 1., irrelevant -- in a post where I give him the highest praise possible for any NASCAR driver and actually compare him to Dale Earnhardt Sr.

Anonymice are jerkwads.

In the spirit of a previous attempt to corral all such lower lifeblogforms, let this post serve as a 'Mouse trap.

Bring it on, y'all. What else is there to dislike, disparage and dismiss about ol' ER?


Let us see:
My pickup truck is more redneck than your pickup truck!
Drlobojob, Ha!

Underlying the snarky "He is a Christian" remark regarding Jeff Gordon was an even snarkier suggestion that Earnhardt was not.

From "The Lutheran," April 2001, just after The Intimidator went to be with the Lord:

Dale Earnhardt died in a crash Feb. 18 during the Daytona [Fla.] 500 NASCAR race. Although called the "Intimidator" on the track, Earnhardt, a member of St. Mark Lutheran Church, Mooresville, N.C., was also known as a man of faith. Stevie Waltrip, a member of his staff, taped a Bible passage to the racer's dashboard before each race. Proverbs 18:10 was the final passage: "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe."

Private services were held at St. Mark Feb. 21. Earnhardt's pastor, John Cozart, also took part in a service at Calvary Church, South Charlotte, N.C.

Gerald Wallace, pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church, West Columbia, S.C., married Earnhardt and his wife, Teresa, in 1982, when he served at St. Mark. "There are different images that people like to portray as Dale," he said. "But I knew him as a wonderful husband and father to all four of his children. I knew him as a man whose faith was strong and important. I knew him as one who was definitely tough on the track, but who also was a loving, kind and gentle person."

Jami Hawkins
You don't have a speck of red on your Redneck blog! Everything's all orangish. What's up with that?
"Plum pie! Preposterous! UnAmerican! Make an appie pie, you commie!"
"Racin' ain't a sport!"

There. I saved Teditor the trouble.
That was nice, since I don't expect we'll see Teditor around much for the next oh, year or so.
Snicker. But he's already back at work. He'll be baa-aa-ck.
you look funny and your breath stinks.

and this coffee is terrible!

Uh, KEvron, are you sure you didn't pick up an old spit cup by mistake?
It just pisses me off left and right when ... ER steals my thunder. :-)
Truthfully, folks, ER's cool. But as Trix can attest, the ONE thing that sticks out would be his lack of cleanliness when it comes to his coffee mugs. Mold. Grows. Quickly. There.

Trix, women control THAT! I'll be bloggin' more than ... I care. :-) Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just ... well, I'm a man, and ... well ... uh, I want THAT! :-)
I thought I had stuck this one in just under one of ER's NASCAR comments on this thread, but I found that I had actually put it back on yesterdays blog. So I'm moving it up here where it belongs:
Teditor is right Racing is not a sport, it is a contest, but not a sport.
I've always seen this NASCAR fadup as sort of like the Roman Gladiators of the 21st Century.
With the roar of the crowd and screams of the beast and people, relatively speaking The Collosium's were the loudest most dangerous thing going in Roman times.
NASCAR fills that bill today.
So I was trying to conjure a Christian Gladiator and a Christian NASCAR driver. Couldn't get either of them into the concept range.
As Becky said "Rubbin' is racin'!"
Puting your life on the edge of oblivion and risking the lives of others as well with your competitive actions and to do it all for fame power money and more money doesn't seem to have a Christian underpinning.(even though my conservative southern baptist preacher brother-in-law used to run dirt track Saturday nights and then preach on Sunday)
Just try to picture Jesus in a Helmet in ole number 3 racin up a storm, rubin and a pushin it all for a win. Whoops I guess Dr. ER's already been there with that vision. Sorry. Maybe God is a racing fan. It does clean the streets a bit after all.
Oh God, I broke my rule. A few weeks ago I started reading from the bottom up so as not to read anything of the Make-Believe Dr.
But in my early morning daze I forgot and what do I find, Now the MB doc it running re-runs.
Howdy mouse.
Say Cheese!
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