Friday, October 28, 2005


Furry Friday!!!

Finally! Got caught up on work in record time -- so, here are the boys. Riker is the regal Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Bailey is the Po' White Trash Weenie Dog.

Bailey, who is a 'tard, can be the most frustratin' critter. He's like Bob in "What About Bob?" If Bailey could talk, he would say, " I need! I Need! I NEED!" But with a face like this, it's impossible to stay mad at him for long.

"Equal time, schmequal time!" Ice-T says. He had to barge his rakish, redneck yet handsome self in here. Hey, when yer a handsome critter, you can get away with such like.


Oh my God, am immediately in love w/ catmeat. Ice-T has put a spell on me (and it looks like on the other human inhabitants of Chez ER, too).

Bailey is cracking me up w/ that face. This sucker cannot resist a smiling critter. And Riker, gorgeous Riker. What a beaut!

Love the critters.
It's critters galore over here these days! For $500 that's not a bad cat. Not a lot of eating on those bones those. You'd better just keep 'em around for looks.

Two prides and a joy here.

Boy, that Ice-T sure likes to lolly-gag about doesn't he? ;)

Makes me miss my Charcoal--soon to be posted at my place.
Ice-T fancies hisself a prince.

He' purdy, I'll give him that.

So are the doggies.

Quite a little family you got there ER.

Keep 'em happy, and they'll keep you happy...
Bailey is the lovie-doviest of 'em all.

Ice-T got introduced to The Spatula of Correction and Instruction yesterday -- and once today. Dr. ER has had it with gettrin' bitten and scratched. Ice-T is havin' to learn the hard way.

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