Friday, August 27, 2004


NASCAR High Holy Day Eve

Special to NASCAR Believers: Junior won the Busch race tonight. Lordy, me and the redheads are as tickled as if one of us'd won a $100 scratch-off in Texas. Even the dogs sense that there has been a right fine start to the NASCAR High Holy Day Weekend. We further note that we reckon Marvin Truex Jr. needs to lose a few races and get some DNFs so he can appreciate 7th place at Bristol.


Forgive me for asking, but I'm not up on my NASCAR etiquette. Are we supposed to send cards for this holiday? Presents?
Nah, just spit yer Copenhagen into a bottle, and you'll be fine.

Oh, and blow the froth off a Busch beer to wash 'er down.
OK. I thought I might have to get a bag of pork rinds gift wrapped.
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Actually knowing a few of these folks, I think you can do about anything you want to celebrate as long as you put your right hand over your heart and pledge allegiance to Dale Sr.

Am I close, ER?
One of them combo meat-meat Slim Jim packs'll do.
Well, that shows my incoinations. Supposed to've been meat-cheese combo pack.
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