Tuesday, June 30, 2009


One of the first who'll be last, I'm thinkin'

Ya know, I glanced at Neil's, EL's, MA's and Mark's stuff and it's all so stale it bored me. Same old delusions.

This guy makes those guys look like the amateurs they are.


"it's all so stale it bored me"

Color me surprised.

It rarely takes very long for an obsession to get boring for everyone but the obsessed.
This guy exemplifies a phrase from your previous post:

"A truth that's told with bad intent Beats all the lies you can invent"

As for the other group, they are indulging in a circle j..k anyway.
They are not really proselytizing just providing each other with a dose of daily self.
Speaking of evil batsh*t crazy "people", did you hear about this?


According to Sally Kern, apparently the recession is all my fault.

Woops. My bad.
Sigh. Yes. Most people here, I think, are trying to pretend she doesn't exist. I've been FB'ing today.

I read a comment by Neil somewhere or other, where he repeatedly typed "fallacy". All I could think was he did so because it's so close to "phallusy".

It would help matters if they were all as smart and clever as they think they are. They aren't. A couple of them are so bad, just reading them is a chore.
Whoo haa wow, that resolution is overboard even for Oklahoma. The part I love is where Obama is responsible for the SC governor Sanford's affair.

I'm thinking parasites in her brain may be the cause.

Isn't hate a marvelous thing?
Isn't hate a marvelous thing? >>>
You all should know.
Did somebody fart?
BTW, Drlobo, note thaqt it is not a legislative resolution; it's an old-fasioned proclamation that she is iniviting everybody to sign. ... I am more than tickled that the church I attend will havew a contingent present for her dog-and-pony show to silently shame her in the name of the Jesus her words make a mockery of.
"I am more than tickled that the church I attend will havew a contingent present for her dog-and-pony show to silently shame her in the name of the Jesus her words make a mockery of."

To the anonymous commenter:

To the extent that we find those who abuse the good name of Christ for their own limited, anti-Christian preferences and desires, it isn't hatred, but a certain anger mixed with disdain, to be sure. I sense no hatred here, just the kind of exhaustion that comes from reading, once again, how Barack Obama and his fascist-Marxist gay hit squads are going to impose shria law and force abortions on all white women.

It's tiresome, really.

It would be nice if people who had contrary opinions grew a pair when they showed up here.
Say Allen, the interesting thing about Oklahoma is its diffusion of reality, Sally Kern for example is the wife of the pastor of Olivet Baptist Church in OKC. Now my State Representative is Al McAffrey, an openly gay, ex-OKC-cop elected twice, once in 2006 and 2008. Al you see represents the district in which Kern's husband's church and many of his church members reside.
Uh-oh, I guess his church is right in the middle of a seriously needy mission field.
"Al you see represents the district in which Kern's husband's church and many of his church members reside."

I didn't know that. Very interesting. I guess everyone has batty neighbors once in a while. :)
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