Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Krugman's 'Conscience of a Liberal'

New to my blogroll: Paul Krugman's blog, "Conscience of a Liberal."


Hey ER,
I still show up here from time to time. I like Krugman for his no nonsense ability to debunk what politicians are telling us about the economy. I do, however, think that there is validity to the argument that he overlooks the political landscape in his calls for things like nationalization of the banks. But it is good that someone is saying what needs to be done ideally, so our kids in 50 years will be able to look back and understand.
Hey, Henry!

"Re, "there is validity to the argument that he overlooks the political landscape in his calls for things like nationalization of the banks."

Absolutely. His voice is genuine: He's not part of the political landscape -- except for his punditry.

Good to see ya.
Friggin Faculty, Noble Prize or no if Krugman could even do what he proposes he would end up with a pitch fork up his ass.

The very fact that he nows identifies himself as a "public intellect" shows he has more than a few circuits missing.

Even if he is correct he is still wrong to think to advocate it openly will accomplish it. Typical academic faculty, I'll show them the way and they will follow my wisdom and brilliance. Every academic is a king.
Harsh! ... I think that standing outside the arena and throwing out radical ideas serves a purpose.

And I damn near wrote it "public intellectual" on my tax return a year or two ago. So there.
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