Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Good Lord! ER, a seminarian?

Hmmm ... I'm almost sure I'm going to try to take a class this fall at Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa.

It's a Disciples of Christ school with a covenental thing with the United Church of Christ, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and others of the nonfundamental ilk.

Thoughts, encouragements, discouragements, karma, whatever, please, while I'm gone to check the place out today.


At the very least, I bet it would be a neat experience. I say do it!
I know people who car pool commute to Tulsa to do that. Let me know if you might want to ride with them.
Phillips had an excellent rep in the '60s (in Enid at that time). I first heard of it from our pastor, an alumni, in Owasso.
... It's probably a great choice...
mr bbs
If you are bound and determined to put your considerable mental powers to work in the ether...it sounds like a place where you will be happily challenged.
If the place gives you a good vibe today, then go for it. As much as this has been on your mind, seems like it'd be a good thing for you to actually do.
With Kirsten. Do it, and if the shoe fits, wear it, as the saying goes.
Why not? What do you have to do that's any more interesting? I know you well enough to know you would regret not taking the shot.


of course i'm biased ;-)
My dear friend,
I know how much this means to you. I am so excited it is coming to pass. God be with you as you go.

I am hoping to get back to blogging. Can't believe it has been a year. Where does time go.

love ya kid,
Y'all're good peeps.

I R pooped out.
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