Friday, September 05, 2008


The Real SARAH PA(l)IN

There's a reason they played "Barracuda," at the RNC last night -- but it wadn't originally meant as a compliment. I've linked to this, but I got it in a forwarded e-mail, too.

May Sarah Palin reap the whirlwind.


Now you want to see what SMALL TOWN is really all about?

Palin's brother in law, the one who she tried to get fired said today,"He added that McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate was "absolutely wonderful for the state of Alaska.""

Go figure? Well I'll tell you. In a small town it is "us" and "them", and you just never side with them. Besides he has to put up with the Palin family if he wants to see his kids again.
You libs are just scared shitless cause your Obama is about to get his ass kicked.

Ain't skeered! You missed a Haldol? Hoo hoo!
I'm starting to see some blowback from the zillions of ticked off community organizers Palin dissed. She used the line again in Cedarburg yesterday, and once again it got laughs, but there are a lot of faith-based organizations that feel like she (and by extension the Republican party) slapped them in the face. That one snarky comment could end up costing her more than the clueless yuppie speechwriter who wrote it could ever have anticipated.

For example, here's a quote from Bishop Roy Dixon of the Church of God in Christ. Bishop Dixon is involved with PICO, an inter-faith network that does a lot of very good work in communities across the country:

“As a life-long Republican, the comments I heard last night about community organizing crossed the line. It is one thing to question someone’s experience, another to demean the work of millions of hard working Americans who take time to get involved in their communities. When people come together in my church hall to improve our community, they’re building the Kingdom of God in San Diego. We see the fruits of community organizing in safer streets, new parks, and new affordable housing. It’s the spirit of democracy for people to have a say and we need more of it.”

The quote is from the website.
Yep. People ought not joke about anything they don't know something about.
I read this on someone's Twitter page, which I found somewhat amusing an insightful. Though Obama certainly is not Jesus:

"Mrs. Palin needs to be reminded that Jesus Christ was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor."
True statement.
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