Sunday, August 31, 2008


On the house, crabs and 'resident aliens'

Uno. The loud fans are gone, the adjuster has been here finally, and -- tada! -- we're going to get new carpet throughout the whole front of the house and in both hallways. Awesome. Plus a little drywall work. Plus my soaked clothes dry-cleaned. Yay.

Two-o. Last night, I fixed softshell crab sandwiches, for the first time, for supper. I wonder if Jambalaya and Etouffe, my hermit crabs, felt a disturbance in the force?!?

Tres. Preacherman took off this morning on an article he saw somewhere that referred to someone as a "practicing Buddhist." His main point: Most Christians in this country aren't "practicing."

To which I say "Amen," and "guilty." Events of the past week or so have taxed me to the point that I've been even louder and more impatient and judgmental and, well, meaner to those closest to me than usual, so that, yet again, I've embarrassed myself.

Sigh. It ain't easy bein' Jesusy. In fact, it's a daily grind sometimes. The Scripture reading this morning comprised a short list of the least we who wear the name "Christian" can do: Romans 12: 9-21.

Prayer of Confession today at church:

Lord of Life,, it is easy to assume that if we believe the right things we will do the right things. But believing and doing are not the same, and faith is a matter of deep trust and incarnate grace. We know that when we talk a good game, but act in ways that are selfish and arrogant, the beloved community suffers. When we do not live up to our call to be resident aliens in the world, the world never changes, it just gets noisier. Help us to be, not just Christians, but "practicing" Christians. In the name of Jesus our Teacher and Lord, we pray, Amen.


So, maybe you might be glad I insisted you call your homeowners insurance company? Glad it's all worked out so well!
Darlin' there was no doubt that we was agonna call the insurance peeps. But we appreciate yer support.

And, I'm so sorry, but in the chaas that my life is, I failed to forward the e-mail you asked me to forward -- because I didn't know who exactly to send it to immediately, and then I got distracted and I forgot and I'm sorry. :-(
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