Friday, August 29, 2008


LOL! Que, Sarah, Sarah!

Right-wing grown nephew No. 1 (RWGN1) e-mailed me just now:

Sarah Palin?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE'RE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Allow me to be one of the first to offer my congrad's on your November win.

Holy mother of God! Sarah Palin for real? I said weeks ago if McCain wanted to win he should put Clinton on his ticket.
My party has lost touch & I'm loosing faith in my party.


He wrote. LOL. I couldn'ta put it better myself. And I replied:


Que Sarah, Sarah! Hoo hoo hee hee ha ha. Hear that? It 's the last gasps of the last hopes of the GOP.

Come on over to the Dems, bud. The water's fine. We do have some conservatives, ya know. Google "Blue Dog Democrats."

What a great day!


Hey, at least she's better looking than Romney. (And for sure she's more personable than McCain.)

When I heard Sarah Palin I immediately started thinking about that tv show a few years ago with Geena Davis as the first woman president. That's who McCain should have picked -- Davis is an attractive brunette but with the added advantage of some actual "experience" in a (fake) Oval Office.

Historians 100 years from now (heck, next year) are going to have a field day with this year's campaigns -- from the sublime to the ridiculous in under 24 hours.
I take it this Palin woman is a bad choice? They were covering her speech on News 24 and I had no idea why.
I was stunned.
I actually feel sorry for the "real Repulicans", something I could not have fathomed last week.
I just heard Babe Buchannan actually say, "Now we have one too."
One what?

Me too! Me too! Me too?

This is McCains first public "Presidential" decision.
Oh yes, and I love the clip of her shooting off the machine gun. Get the woman a tank, please.
A pro-life, Blue Star Mother, with a late in life baby who has Down's Syndrom, a lifetime member of the NRA, a govenor of one of the smallest of state populations, a population all which get a large check every year from the oil companies.
Can you spell fluke?

I was hoping they would nominate Romney. This is much much better.

Vote, Nothern Exposure!

This makes for a clear choice. We either take back the promise or we forfit it completely.
I think the Republicans want to lose.

Also, this is an obvious pander to both the Christian Right, the oil companies, and the gun nuts (no offense to honest gun owners out there).

Stephanie Miller, on her Air America Radio Show, said she made Dan Quayle look like George Washington.
Harriet Myers 2.0!
RWGN1 (Right-wing grown nephew No. 1) just wrote again:

After that INSANELY idiotic & imprudent V.P. choice I jumped on the bike at my gym & burned AT LEAST another 150 calories out of sheer anger with the Republicans. WHAT THE F*&K are they thinking? Clearly they are absent of thought. They are thoughtless. They are without thought, which furthermore explains why they so desperately seem to be without ANY clue.

Grandma (----) would always say: "Vote for the best man, but if you search deep enough you'll always find he's a Republican."

She maybe correct, but it certainly seems if I vote with my party this time it will be a WASTED attempt to elect a man who has no clue & no chance.

You may quote me on this: "I am a PROUD Republican, who is completely & utterly disenfranchised by my party & their inability to grasp the needs of the people of this great country & their deep hearted desire for change. Democrat, Republican, Independent, it makes no difference because we can all hear the sound being called out from every elevation, from coast-to-coast that we hunger after new leadership & new direction.

Regardless of party affiliation, age, color or creed the person who can offer the most dynamic ideas, the most charisma & the most change should & will be the next leader of the United States of America. That person seems to only be Barak Obama."

Unless John McCain & whomever what's-her-name is can walk on water in front of a worldwide audience next Thursday evening, this registered Republican will be voting for Barak Obama in early voting.

As for becoming a member of the conservative, "Blue Dog Democrats".......... Libertarian is as close as you're going to get me Unc. Nice try though.

One redneck thought:

If she and Biden debate, Biden either will decline to be mean to a girl, or he will be mean to a girl. Either way, it could be bad.

I am speaking for here for certain segment of the population, not for myself!
At least they've finally found a Religious Right politician who actually GOES to church (as opposed to just mouthing off about how religious they are).

But this is such a bad choice, it almost makes me suspicious... What are they up to?

Wiki: "She hunts, eats moose hamburger, ice fishes, rides snowmobiles, and owns a float plane."

Dang. I wouldn't vote for her, but I'd ask her out! :-)

(I mean if I were not slavishly in luv with Dr. ER!)
OMG, I've been wrassling deadlines all days and JUST NOW got a look at some pix of the veep candidate that Wonkette long ago christened GILF Palin. She IS HOT. :-)

Y'all gotta go skim Wonkette for Palinisms!
As a conservative... we are actually enthused over the pick. It's enthused the base.
Oh, I don't doubt it, Anon. It's actually kind of odd: The selection made both some conservative Repubs and some Dems happy.

But I don't think the GOP is what it used to be cracked up to be. And I think anybody who thinks a statistically significant number of Hillary's supporters are going to defect to the GOP because now they got a gal on the ticket is crazy as a loon. Hillary's supporters, in my view, didn't support her because she's a woman, but because she's a liberal Democratic woman.
Dang it. "But I don't think the GOP is what it used to be cracked up to be" -- should be "But I don't think the GOP *base* is what it used to be cracked up to be."
On a local note: Holy crap! Uber-"conservative" Sen Jim Inhofe, facing a feisty Dem opponent, just ran a TV ad shameless bragging on THE PORK HE BROUGHT HOME TO OKLAHOMA.

Hoo hoo. The End is Near. The GOP is as effed up now as the Democratic Party has been until lately.

Big Tent, fellow Dems! We need to hold the flap open and welcome in disaffected moderate Repubs.
I too was surprised by this choice. It appears McCain has decided to write off the Independent vote and go for Evangelicals exclusively. It's a very, very odd strategy. Evangelicals comprise, at most, 20% of the population. That number is probably higher, however, in some battleground states. But even still, I can't imagine how the math works for him in this choice.

I think it must also be that he hopes to claim some former Hillary supporters. Perhaps he miscalculated how successful the DNC convention would be. After watching Obama's speech, I can't imagine how they could have done it any better than they did.
A few reasons to be pleased with Sarah as veep (In no particular order):
1. She's not Joe Lieberman
2. Conservative values
3. Attractive
4. Appeal to Soccer Moms
5. Christian
6. Record of fighting against pork.

I'm not saying that these are good reasons, but that's my observation/opinion.
As is this:
I don't think pointing out the "lack of experience" hypocrisy will work for Obama, as it will only highlight his own inexperience, and she's just the veep nominee.

I think the McCain campaign is hoping that the soccer moms on the fence will slide over to the Reps, and also that this shores up the base. Frankly, I really don't care much about the bottom of any ticket, although Ross Perot did make me wince with Admiral Stockdale.

I'm not sure what RWGN1 was looking for; I'd be interested to hear who McCain could have picked that would have him still voting for McCain. Palin is clearly more right wing than McCain, so political ideology obviously wasn't the reason for his jumping ship.

And Geoffrey, I'm shocked: Air America is still on? It's a funny line, anyway. (Of course, so does Obama.)

Speaking of Quayle, here's a fun quote regarding his run for veep:
"I can't believe a guy that handsome wouldn't have some impact."
-Sen. John McCain
Maybe that's where he got the idea.
Look, historically, a VP choice nearly never helps you, it can however hurt you.

This pick will appeal to the base, who have been nervous about McCain's bona fides. But in spite of Dobson's ranting, they were going to vote for him anyway. They hitched their wagon to the GOP years ago and aren't clever enough to get off now that the ride is over.

What McCain needed to do was figure out a way to woo independents. An unknown VP pick isn't going to work.

Women? Does he really think women are so stupid that they'll vote for anyone with a vagina, no matter how unqualified? There are plenty of *qualified* republican women he could have chosen if he just wanted to do the female affirmative action pick: Kay Bailey Hutchinson, for example, Olympia Snow for another, Christine Todd Whitman for a third. And instead he picks a woman who was mayor of some podunk little town in Alaska, a woman who, when asked about the VP slot said, "I don't know what the VP does."

And he picked this nobody on his 72nd birthday.
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