Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I had a hot Mexican dish

AND -- ;-) -- a late breakfast at one of the best Meskin eatin' joints in Oklahoma City: San Marcos Restaurant.

The one on the Southside, on SW 59th. The one on the north side, on North May Avenue, is a little uppity -- they scoffed once when I asked if they served menudo: "No! Only on the Southside!"

Pbhth on that. When I want Mexican, I want Mexican, dang it.

Today: huevos y chorizo con jalapenos, con frijoles, y cafe. Con (como se dice?) rice. Y flour tortillas.

Soy sated


That would be:

Con arroz. Y tortillas de harina. :)
¿No menudo?
Gracias, mi amiga! :-)

Why no menudo:

It ain't Saturday, it's not winter, and I wadn't hung over. Those are the three general requirements~!

I have been known to have menudo out of season -- but if so, at home, out of a can, with fresh chopped onion, and Fritos, and extra Tabasco, with the AC on high and the lights off or low, while wearing very comfortable clothes and sipping Gatorade.
How do ya get them upside-down question marks??
Ugh. 4 semesters of college Spanish and I didn't catch a word of that, other than something about the band Menudo.
Make sure numbers lock is on on your number keypad. Press and hold the Alt key, type on number pad 0191--release the keys. If you're on a laptop with no number pad, usually you can do it pressing the Fn key and using the letter keys that change to numbers.

Clear as mud? ;)

To make a centered tongue sticking out, type the colon then use the alt key with 0222 :Þ or 0254 :þ

You can also:






It wore me out. But cool.


Yeesh. I just saw that I put the same site down both times.

Make the second one:
¿Flour tortillas?
No Umlaut?


Ive found myself needing and umlaut from time-to-time...but not often enough to download the whole German Language pack.
Any word looks better with an umlaut. Just ask Motley Crüe.
The umlaut is the mullet of punctuation marks.
LOL. I don't know what that was supposed to mean. It just sounded funny. :-)
Perhaps you meant it was the müllet of punctuation marks. ;)
Ha! "Umlaut" is what a drunk, nonerudite redneck might be able to come up with if he was tryin' to say "mullet."

Officer of the law: "What that's on the back of yer head, boy?"

DNER: "Mm, mlaut?"
an ümlaut for u = num lock + Alt + 0252
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