Friday, August 15, 2008


Friday inspiration

Every person I have ever known who hasn't died is still alive.

My back is a little better, but still messed up. Dr. ER is in tremendous pain of her own. There could be legal action in our future, as a result. Don't know what she'll be doing for a living this fall. I'm still paying 2006 taxes, and we're fixing to seek another deferment on dealing with 2007 taxes. Random debts are inching up.

Life is gettin' harder. And I have plenty to get me down, if I wanted to let it. But I don't. So, I won't.

A grown man almost cried when I was interviewing him on the phone the other day because his financial situation had gotten so bad he dang near lost it all, including his family. I got choked up, too.

Life is gettin' harder, but it has a long ways to go before it gets unbearable -- and I think we can coast a long time on previous good fortune.

And this morning, the Lord gave me this flash of insight: No matter what else has happened to them, whatever life has dealt them,

Every person I have ever known who hasn't died is still alive.


Prayers and thoughts and good wishes to you and yours, dear friend.

You aren't alone. You have inspired so many people - certainly me - not only to do this whole blog thing, but pretty much everything so much better. Whatever you need that we can provide, just ask. You know how to reach me.
Thanks, dude.

Hey, a colleague fell while hiking not long ago; he's in a wheelchair now, probably forever. Another friend, years ago, fell while hiking and died. Another friend up and died with pancreatitis. Another friend shot himself in the head in front of his wife. Another friend got a headache one day and was dead within six months. Hell, I was a pall bearer at 18, for a 17-year-old girl friend.

But almost everyone else I've ever known is still alive. ... I might drive under the bridge where the homeless stay in OKC after while to get more confirmation that the little niggling things troubling me are just little niggling things.
I think often of an old tale, of King Akhbar of India. Akbar asked the court to find something that whenever he looks at it, he would not over-indulge or forget himself when something pleases him and would not be so upset to the point of giving-up when plagued by troubles.
After many of the court had failed, it was his court jester, Birbal, who brought him a ring.
The inscription: "This too shall pass!"

It's probably a story told many times in many different ways. I hope it wasn't too saccharine. Be Well.
Instead of just driving under the bridge, how about spending a Saturday night at a street people's service at NW 8 and Lee at Skyline Urban Ministry?
Thanks, Doc.

Trixie, I should. E-mail me more if you know more.
I've been known to answer to "how are you?": "well, no one's died..." - sounds like you're saying the same thing!

I know this book is not the newest, and not Bonhoeffer calibre either, but I read it many years ago and think of it often: Tim Hansel's You Gotta Keep Dancin'.

Hope it all gets better very soon! If we were neigbours, I'd send over some home-grown lamb, for dinner.
Sometimes pain is nature's way of reminding you that you're still here.
Mmm-mm, lamb!

Thanks, all. :-)
E-mail sent.

Hang in there! It WILL get better!
On a much lighter and completed unrelated note, here are some OSU related sites. I especially like their "OU fans surprised to learn that their football team is part of a larger school" and "Cowboys offense switching to wind power" stories. It's kind of like an OSU themed version of The Onion with more raunch.

Also which you may already be aware of is where I get my OSU fix and keep up to date while living in Tejas. I check it daily if not multiple times a day.
LOL Thanks, YB. I needed that. :-)
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