Saturday, July 19, 2008


Mini road trip

Gone to Tulsa to see the Turnpike Troubadours! Adios! -- ER

Dr. ER, who is in D.C., has been aprised -- or "appraised" as they say back home. :-)

She's just happy that this place has a real floor instead of dirt, and is made of more than rough-cut lumber and sheet metal, like the *last* place we -- yes, she went with me -- saw these guys.

But hey, that was way back down over into the sticks of Sequoyah County. This here's TULSA we're talkin' about. Bright lights, big city and all that.

Adios II!
I've got the song "Living On Tulsa Time" going through my head now. Thanks. A lot.


Hope you had a great time.
Ha. Me, too. They got a billboard up as you get into town: "Welcome to 'Tulsa Time.' "
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