Sunday, June 15, 2008


'We are the God-bearers of the world'

For your consideration: some of the last few pages of John Shelby Spong's "The Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bible's Texts of Hate to Reveal the God of Love."

I commend the book to the edification of all fundamentalists, Christian, anti-Christian and atheist.

May false gods tumble under Spong's faithful attack on intolerable dogmatism: the god of self, the god of certainty, the god of the "inerrant and infallible Bible."

On Jesus as the first fruits of Homo Spiritus.


"Homo Sapiens are evolving into Homo spiritus. A new humanity is emerging. Jesus is the first fruits of that humanity."
--- Spong

Good God! (not to tie it back to another post mind you)
Why do Christians cling to only the Jewish history which doesn't fit with their own even, and discount 50,000 of religious belief and practice prior to Christ that leads to Christ? It is as if "Christianity" sprung whole cloth on 1 A.D. without precursors or religious attributions from anyone that came before. Mankind has had a long evolution into Homo spiritus, indeed I would contend that Homo Sapiens as a whole contains the elements Spong relegates to spiritus. If not, then Spong must be advocating a "spiritual" evolution but in which he ignores the first 50,000 years or so of evidence that it was happening pre-christ.

Actually, we haven't evolved very far in the last 2000 years. In many respects as a spiritual animal we have regressed.
Hey, that's almost a punctuation-type of remark in a longer discourse that places the whole of Christian Scripture, O.T. and N.T., as part of the Judeo-Christian epic. Spong writes about Judeo-Christian faith origins because he writes about Judeo-Christian faith origins. I'm sure he has some fascinating idea about other faith origins, but that is not what the book is about.
ER:"...discourse that places the whole of Christian Scripture, O.T. and N.T., as part of the Judeo-Christian epic."

There is no such thing as the Christian-Judeo Epic except as invented by the Roman Church to legitimize itself within the Roman State early in the second and third centuries. Hell ER, they even shifted the order of Hebrew books around to make them look like a linear prophecy.

The Old Testament is not a "Christian" Testament at all.
In its "christian' form it is a political construct to disengage from the Helenistic god-man myths and capitalize on the underlying admiration the Romans had for the Jewish Religion of the diaspora, but not the rebellious Jewish Government.

Perhaps we could see the OT as root stock upon which a completely seperate fruit tree, the NT, has been grafted. That the OT feeds nurishment to the NT may be true, but they are still seperate species.
"Hell ER, they even shifted the order of Hebrew books around to make them look like a linear prophecy."

Yes, in the formation and evololuition of the epic! It's been one rewrite after another.

I think you are aggreeing with Spong. I can't put the whole dang book on here. Go buy it and read it. It's heretical. You'll dig it.

BTW, lunch today included viennies asnd whitebread and mayo. I *did* eat some crackers with three of 'em, tho.
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