Sunday, June 08, 2008


'No You Can't!' -- Oh, yes, we can

[Tip o' my Resistol to my friend, (H)apaTheology.]

Another "No You Can't" video:

The first, awesome video: "Yes, We can."

PRAYER OF CONFESSION today at church:

Lord of Life, we know that hope is the one thing for which there is no acceptable alternative. We can easily give up, and believe that faith is about hedging our bets, or storing up credits in the next life. But faith is not about believing stuff in order to get stuff. Faith is about trusting in God's ultimate mercy, and in the eventual victory of good over evil. Help us to plant a tree today under whose branches we will never sit -- but whose shade will keep those who come after us from fainting. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, our Teacher and Lord, we pray, Amen.


Romans 4:13-25



Bless your sweet heart! Thank you for contributing to my Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure fund!

You're a Prince!
Ditto. I just got an email from an acquaintance in Oklahoma with outrageous Obama bashing babble about Obama's "radical Muslim links". It's encouraging to know there are still a few sane people in Oklahoma. Si, se puede/Yes, we can.
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