Sunday, June 22, 2008


Colorado is off

Sorry to be so cryptic at first. We're still wading through some unexpected debris.

Still juggling shock-sadness (because it involved some personal betrayal); fury (because it involved some more personal betrayal (Dr. ER's boss even lied to *me* personally); and relief (that I didn't quit my job and that we don't now own a house on the Front Range.

A parting of ways is coming betwixt Dr. ER and her employer. That's all there is to report.

We both feel beat up over the past 14 months. Prayers, good vibes, karma, happy-happy thoughts and other vectors for the peace that passes understanding greatly appreciated.

And now I go to the backyard mortar-and-pestle (trusdty Webster kettle grill) to mix a compound to treat sadness-shock-anger-relief: Steak sandwiches a la ER!


Obviously, prayers and thoughts with both of you. Betrayal is never easy, especially when it can make an already complicated situation so much more so. A whole lot of swearing and name calling - in private, obviously - usually helps.
Well, look at it as a blessing. Perhaps God has been trying to tell you it wasn't a good idea in the first place, so he's placed the roadblocks to keep you from quitting your job, buying a house, etc.

You would have been that much further from Bird and Beau, too.

The other blessing-in-disguise is you've gotten a lot of work done on your house -- now don't stop. You might as well keep going and have all the fix-ups to enjoy yourself instead of doing it for a buyer.

I am sorry how it's all played out, though. I could tell through your blog that it's been a long year for you and the Dr. It'll be nice to "see" you two under the same roof again. :)
Ah, Frenzied, therein lies the rub. They've just now gotten used to living apart. Now they've got to relearn what it's like to live together. That, sometimes, is harder than the alternative.

But they can and will make it work.

Next step is to get Dr. ER into something she loves and in a place where she and ER can be happy. Will that be in their current home? That's yet to be seen.

But hopefully happiness and comfort and togetherness are just around the corner.
So sorry, ER. I hope Dr. ER is able to find trust and happiness elsewhere, ans soonly.
Re, "A whole lot of swearing and name calling - in private, obviously - usually helps."

Ys. Myswlf, I've passed on with thst, leaning on the furst part of Romans 6.

Re, "Well, look at it as a blessing. Perhaps God has been trying to tell you it wasn't a good idea in the first place, so he's placed the roadblocks to keep you from quitting your job, buying a house, etc."


Re, "You would have been that much further from Bird and Beau, too."

Sniff. Yes.

Rem "The other blessing-in-disguise is you've gotten a lot of work done on your house -- now don't stop. You might as well keep going and have all the fix-ups to enjoy yourself instead of doing it for a buyer."


Re, "I am sorry how it's all played out, though. I could tell through your blog that it's been a long year for you and the Dr. It'll be nice to "see" you two under the same roof again. :)"

Yes! YES! :-)

Re," Frenzied, therein lies the rub. They've just now gotten used to living apart. Now they've got to relearn what it's like to live together. That, sometimes, is harder than the alternative. But they can and will make it work."

Our life has never been normal. Ever.
Re, "Our life has never been normal. Ever."

Then this should be a cakewalk. ;)

Go give each of the critters an ear rub from me. It'll make ya'll feel better. I'll add you to my prayer roll. :)
Well crappity smack! I think, really I do, that this will wind up being "a good thing" once the pain and shock begin to subside. I know that will take a while, but you are both the kind of people who will come through this shining like the stars you are. I have no idea what the silver lining will be, but I'm certain there is one. One positive? You don't have to pack! At least not now. Another positive? Not paying for multiple domiciles!
Another one? Your pets will no longer be part of a single-parent household! See. Things are already better.
Here's to better days, starting tomorrow. Cuss up a storm tonight.
And no parting for now from Maker's, and the friend(s) you have here who can't imagine not having the occasional toke and gulp with you there!
Just think, you've got the house in tip top shape, new fence, fixed yard, and now you get to live in it.

If shove comes to stomp,I've got a buddy named Guido who is available.
Colorado's loss, and Oklahoma's gain. Deep breaths, hugs, and root beer usually help me in those situations.
Hang in there.
I'mm sorry you're going through this, but I'm not sorry you're staying in Oklahoma. I didn't want to lose ya!
Thanks, all.

BTW, I still need a new fence! :-)

Doc: Dr. ER leans on powdered sugar doughnuts. :-) I lean on steak. :-)

Also, this don't necesarrily mean we're still not gonna wind up movin.' It just won't be to the Denver area.
And, wherever, it is, if it is, it won't be anytime real soon.
I'm so late with this, but holy cats and wow. I hope y'all are okay.
Thanks, DCup. Still stunned.
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