Sunday, May 18, 2008


Trade prayers with me

Here's y'alls' -- the Prayer of Confession today at church:

Lord of Life, we are surrounded by the distractions of ego, and the bonfire of the vanities. We seek out our 15 minutes of fame, forgetting that in the eyes of God we are all extraordinarily ordinary. We allow ourselves to enjoy the thought that we deserve our lives of privilege, and that others have brought on their own misery. But the good news is not that the poor might someday be just like us; rather that we might recognize among the poor our twin brother or sister. After all, what good does it do to be first in line, if God starts serving at the back of the line? In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, our Teacher and Lord we pray, Amen.

That kind of hit me right where I needed to be hit this morning.

Now, y'alls' turn:

Dr. ER lost someone very dear to her today. One of those larger-than-life, but loved-you-just-as-you-are peeps, the kind that are too, too rare. Not a "matriarch," but something like that.

We knew it was near, but ... you know. It always feels like it comes out of the blue.

Dr. ER is driving in from Boulder on Monday. We'll head to Texas one day this week. Prayers, karma, peaceful thoughts, the vibes of the Comforter and peace that passes understanding, please, for us both, but mostly for Dr. ER, Sister Dr. ER and Bird.


Comfort to all the ladies in your family, E.R., and to you, too, as you offer them comfort.
It was senior Sunday here; a profound and touching "rite of passage" as the seniors took the service today. The various special anthems included "Sweet, Sweet Spirit," "Be Thou My Vision," "Open Our Eyes," "Oh How I Love Jesus," "Peaceful, Easy Feeling" (with "Amazing Grace" first sung to the tune. Try it. It's nice.) "The Lord Bless and Keep You," "This Is a Day of New Beginnings."

The prayer of dedication:
For all the riches you bestow, for all the good you supply, for all the guidance you offer day by day.
We give thanks, Gracious God.
All that we give we owe to you, and life itself is a gift from your hand.
We dedicate our offerings, this bread and cup, and our lives to your honor and glory, Amen.

I particularly liked the call to worship, though. What you posted about losing hope vs. giving up hope was spinning around in my head as I went to church. Thankfully, God greeted me with this today:

Come, sisters and brothers, gather together.
From all the bruises of a busy week, gather.
Plunge your sorrow and worry into the fountain of life.
Here, find comfort and hope.
Place your dreams and concerns on the table of blessing.
Here find courage and renewal.
Give your questions and doubts to the heart of God.
Here, find a peace that lightens the load and restores the faith.
Come all of you in this place;
Become a family of love, a community of song, a people of prayer.
"Prayers, karma, peaceful thoughts, the vibes of the Comforter and peace that passes understanding, please, for us both, but mostly for Dr. ER, Sister Dr. ER and Bird."

Consider them yours, muh man. A similar situation happening now for my missus as well.
One more thing:

Do you record those prayers, get a copy from your pastor, or are they printed in your bulletins? Just wondering.
They're in the bulletin; we say 'em in unison. (I think maybe once, I've declined because I didn't agree with it! LOL)

And, thanks, MA.

And thanks, Trixie, too.
My prayers to all, of course, brother. And God's love and peace, too.

Good prayers. Always look forward to reading them each Sunday.
Pax for the loss and those that grieve. Give my words to Dr. ER.

Trixie, good to see you again. Was wondering if you had fallen off of the globe.
ER, your family is in my prayers.
Thanks, to you all.
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