Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Fundy partisans confuse bad actor with Jesus

OK, this video made me uncomfortable the first time I saw it. But I got over it.

I can see how people could be offended it, I think. I mean, if they worship Hispanic actors who depict a gay Jesus dancing to a Gloria Gaynor tune and getting hit by a bus. Those people should be mortified.

But, really! To confuse this harmless parody with the reality of the Risen Christ! Y'all who are freaking out can just keep yer Little Bitty Helpless Jesus.

(BTW, can someone explain to me the complex subtexts here? Or it is just a silly video?)

Why it's an issue.

An example of someone bearing false witness about it, and the real reason he's twisting the truth, ironically, in the name of Christ (he's a pastor; if everything he does and says isn't in the name of Christ, he needs to hang up his robes): "There should be enough dirt on Obama to keep him well away from 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd."

The facts.


Now that is funny.
I mean, that's really funny!
I laughed out loud which I rarely do.
It might have been in bad taste otherwise, but the Bus and the "in the memory of.." redeemed it from that.
Thanks ER, I needed that.
Yeah, it really is funny, not to mention sick and twisted (that's a good thing in my book). I mean, someone who rose from the dead singing "I will survive" is kinda silly on its own, but the bus puts it over the top.

Of course, my favourite version of Jesus Christ, Superstar is the one with Emily Saliers and Amy Ray (aka the Indigo Girls) sing the parts of Mary M and Jesus, respectively. SO what do I know?
Well, really, is there anything the fundies won't get their panties in a twist about?

This is why we Calvinists stopped worshipping graven images a few centuries ago. It leads to problems when people confuse the representation with what it represents. I guess the fundies never learned that lesson (why should that lesson be any different?)

Funny how these fundies are exactly the folks who criticize some Muslims for rioting when an image of the Prophet is depicted, and yet they have a tizzy when the same thing happens to their religion.

Got hypocrisy?
Oh, and it's not a diaper. Are these folks deliberately stupid, or is it a gift?
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You can't take any criticism at all, can you? Timothy, for God's sakes, for you to pass along such unsubsubtantiated crap and then get uptight when someone calls you on it is amazing. Leggit did not produce the silly damned video. So, it doesn't matter whether he is Obama's technical adviser. And you admitted yourself that it's "dirt" you're looking for to bring Obama down -- not his thinking.

I think that stinks, from whatever source, but especially from someone whose intellect I respect and whose faith I accept (although we are mutualloy suspicious of each other's).

It;s not about you, Timothy. It's about facts and being honest.

I'm sorry you can't take any criticism whatsoever -- because THATS's the mark of friendship, not just "getting along" -- and that's why I keep it to a minimum.

No war here. Bujt I'll be damned, so to speak, if I'm going to just sit by and let someone in position of authority pass along bullshit, unthinkingly or not.

Peace out. And, please, grow some skin. This was no "attack." It was just criticism. Learn to take it! Lord knows, I have. :-)

Yer old amigo,

That is really funny.

But there is no denying that it is offensive. That's part of what makes it funny. It creates tension that you have to laugh to relieve. Classic ploy.

And anyway, aren't the fundies always going on and on about how "the gospel IS offensive...it DOES condemn the unrightous...that's offensive! It offends those who need to change their ways."

Well...if they don't mind being offensive, then maybe they are just being convicted by the message of Christ to loosen up a bit and have a sense of humor.

Besides...he's JESUS! I mean...what's he gonna do? Hold a petty grudge? I don't think so. The Jesus I see described in the scriptures would have laughed it off.
But then again, in the relm of offensive, I'd put THIS much higher on the offensive ranking:

"As for the post yesterday, it was done without a lot of thought. "


But I can't help but notice how when someone like, oh say, a Democrat uses that that excuse for some gaff, the fundies are the very last people to forgive. Even their excuses are just chock full o' more hypocrisy...
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If you're really into blasphemy, there is the Hunky Jesus Pageant I attended this Easter. Mildly amusing? Yes. Shameless blasphemy? Probably not that much. Speaking of shameless, here's a shameless cross promotion with a link to my video of the event.
The real Jesus might have been driving the Bus.
If I'da thought it was blasphemy, I wouldn'ta posted it! It's just a silly vid.
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