Sunday, March 09, 2008
Weekend of CATastrophe
First, The Lady gave me a bath! Then, My daddy ER took down my very own personal savannah, the Christmas tree! O! Eh! Ehh Ehhhh! -- Ice-T

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You used Ajax dishwashing soap on your cat?
I'm impressed that the Mrs. Dr. wasn't wearing elbow-length leather gloves and a face plate. Your cat seems to be taking it quite well. I'd still be in the hospital getting blood.
I'm impressed that the Mrs. Dr. wasn't wearing elbow-length leather gloves and a face plate. Your cat seems to be taking it quite well. I'd still be in the hospital getting blood.
I am impressed! He seems to be taking it quite well -- at least until photo #3 where he obviously is saying "You die in your sleep, human."
Yeah, there's definitely a threat of physical violence in that look in photo #3. I think you ought to sleep with your door closed tonight.
The "bachelors" not doing well in the personal hygiene department these days with Dr. ER gone??
I really would watch my back around him for the next few days! LOL
I really would watch my back around him for the next few days! LOL
Who the hell washes their cat?
Bathing a cat is a cruel act. If they are dusty or such you brush them with a cat brush. How would you like it if you had to lick your entire body after it had been soaked in Ajax soap? Yuck,talk about lack of pi qua.
Is that Dr. ER giving the feline a bath? No wonder the animal attacks her from ambush all the time.
Bathing a cat is a cruel act. If they are dusty or such you brush them with a cat brush. How would you like it if you had to lick your entire body after it had been soaked in Ajax soap? Yuck,talk about lack of pi qua.
Is that Dr. ER giving the feline a bath? No wonder the animal attacks her from ambush all the time.
OK so you are using shampoo, not Ajax. My wife says you may need to bath a cat if it has been rolling in the carcass of some local road kill or has been sprayed by a skunk. I say not even then. Then you just exile it to the yard or garage for a week or two. But! if in an extreme emergency you MUST BATHE a cat, then there is one methodology that is fast and reduces the trauma and scratches down to a minimum.
First you clean the toilet.
Add cat shampoo to the bowl.
Put the cat in butt first.
Close both lids.
Sit on them.
Wait 20 seconds until the cat has agitated the shampoo adequately.
Then flush.
You will not have to raise the seats, nor dry off the cat. From this point on it will take care of itself.
First you clean the toilet.
Add cat shampoo to the bowl.
Put the cat in butt first.
Close both lids.
Sit on them.
Wait 20 seconds until the cat has agitated the shampoo adequately.
Then flush.
You will not have to raise the seats, nor dry off the cat. From this point on it will take care of itself.
Dr. ER said he stunk and that he needed a bath. I said have at it. ... Trust me: the removal of the Christmas tree was nore traumatic for him than the bath! I'd left the tree skirt where it was, because it was covered with cat fur, and that's where we found himn this morning: sitting on the skirt, wonderin' where his own personal savannah had gone.
I give my dog's blue-eyed-cream-with- silver-markings cat a bath. Prolly 3 times a year, Principi gets soaped up.
She showed up at my house as a 5 week old, skeert and abandoned baby. FULL of fleas that were trying real hard to eat her alive. Before I even gave her tuna fish, I put her under the bathtub faucet and gently rubbed flea shampoo on her. We did that every night for a week, then every other night for awhile.
She knows I risked my live to save her. :)
These days Moose gets more upset about Principi's baths than she does.
She showed up at my house as a 5 week old, skeert and abandoned baby. FULL of fleas that were trying real hard to eat her alive. Before I even gave her tuna fish, I put her under the bathtub faucet and gently rubbed flea shampoo on her. We did that every night for a week, then every other night for awhile.
She knows I risked my live to save her. :)
These days Moose gets more upset about Principi's baths than she does.
In Egypt cats were worshiped as Gods. They would bow to one when ever it passed by. Killing a cat, premeditatedly or not was punishable by death. If you passed by one that was already dead, it was best that you say loudly, "It was already dead" so the angry cat loving mob would not filet you alive with shards of broken pottery. No one in Eygpt would ever bath a cat for fear it would die from fright and thus cost them their own life.
ER, what goes around, comes around!
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ER, what goes around, comes around!
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