Tuesday, March 11, 2008
OK, OK! I'll put a headline on this! :-)

Back to regular programming ...
This hyear is my neighborhood. Ain't it pitiful? No alleys! God help me, I can't get my pickup into the back yard! It's nuts. Never again.
Sigh. There's lots more important things to blog about it. I just think my bitcher is worn out.
Oh! There's this! KAREN! Tell me about yer experience with Rodeo-la. or Rhodesia, or whatever that herb is.
I've been taking them since Saturday -- 250mg in the a.m. and 250mg in the p.m. -- and all they do is make me aggressive and reckless -- and so I've stopped. 'Cause I am both of them enough without any help.
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what kind of a dosage are you taking?! That's way too much !!- and you won't get one of the benefits which is, better sleep at night. It won't kill you, but wake you up way too much.
I take 150 mg of 3.5% rosavines once in the morning and it's wonderful (I weigh 125 lbs). Husband takes same as well and he weighs 190, and loves it. We experience it as a mild levelling feeling.
Hope you're not taking that ephedrine weight loss stuff any more, because that's REALLY bad for you and just increases stress levels (stuff like that would kill me).
what kind of a dosage are you taking?! That's way too much !!- and you won't get one of the benefits which is, better sleep at night. It won't kill you, but wake you up way too much.
I take 150 mg of 3.5% rosavines once in the morning and it's wonderful (I weigh 125 lbs). Husband takes same as well and he weighs 190, and loves it. We experience it as a mild levelling feeling.
Hope you're not taking that ephedrine weight loss stuff any more, because that's REALLY bad for you and just increases stress levels (stuff like that would kill me).
Also: make sure there's nothing else in there, and I only take it twice a day if i think I need extra brain power for my thesis, but otherwise one a day is the best.
PS I'm really sensitive to caffeine and ephedrine, and can't even take ginseng without feeling awful, but the rhodiola is very pleasant, and helps me be able to take on my stresses easier. Check that you don't have something else in your capsules, the brand I'm using is Natural Factors 150 mg.
Role-wha? Gonna google that here in a second!
Alleys: LOL, alleys rock. I spent the greater portion of my youth riding bikes and cutting through alleys. I remember when Husband and I first met, he told me he'd never been in an alley before and I thought he was some kind of deprived child. Those poor suburbanites!
Alleys: LOL, alleys rock. I spent the greater portion of my youth riding bikes and cutting through alleys. I remember when Husband and I first met, he told me he'd never been in an alley before and I thought he was some kind of deprived child. Those poor suburbanites!
A good friend of mine is just completing her journalism MA thesis on the importance of alleys in city and community living, It's intriguing how crucial alleys are to neighbourliness, and how not planning alleys into a city's development affects how people interact, which then affects their mental health.
I hate not having an alley. I feel trapped. And my neighborhood is one of those with two ways in and out. Give me real streets and alleys! I mean, if I'm gonna have to live in town.
Heeeeeee -- I spent the morning going through alleys with the Animal Control officer today. What a great way to spend the morning! You can tell a whole lot more about people looking at the back sides of their houses than the front sides. It's like getting to see what's really on the other side of that Norman Rockwell painting and finding they have all kinds of trash and crap piled up out there.
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