Saturday, March 29, 2008


Taking me back to Tulsa

Goin' to a sit-down supper with fellows and perfessional peers from across the state tonight in Tulsey Town, where we will distribute attaboys for work done in ought-ought-7.

Danged if I ain't up for another back-pattin' for somethin' or the other.

Ugh. And I have the creeping crud. I will endeavor not to breathe on anyone and will be totin' a lil bottle of Puer ... Peu ... Pu -- some of that hand disinfectant.

In the mornin' I might visit this church. I've got time, since my flight out of OKC to Denver isn't until 7:28 p.m. (Look at me! Mentioning gettin' on a plane all casual like. Who'da thunk it??)

I do this, the church thing, for y'all -- and I mean everybody I come in contact with here and in the RW.

I can be pretty petty and mean even when I go to church regularly. I miss more than one week in a row -- I will definitely have to miss a week from tomorrow 'cause I'll be on a plane -- and I'm just a sorry sumbitch.

I just *have* to go and sit down and shut up, and listen, and pray and sing.

Grace happens everywhere. But there actually IS something to that "where two or three" are gathered in My name" deal.


I, for one, appreciate the effort! (evil grin)

Say hi to the Ashbys for me, I go to school w/ Pam.
Congratulations, however be sure not to throw up on them when they slap you on the back.
Well, ain't you just fancy? Congrats! And I'll be praying for you all week.
Cool, congrats on the attaboy, whatever it is.
Don't let your head swell too much. Have a good week with the Mrs. Dr. in the mountains.
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