Sunday, February 24, 2008



First, Ralph Nader, for all the good he's done, is a loon. I predict he'll get less than 1 percent of the vote this time. Plus, he'll make Obama appear more moderate. Plus, he'll make McCain seem younger.

Now ...

The Prayer of Confession today at church:

Lord of Life, we can become so complacent in our faith, assuming that we know who is an insider and who is an outsider. But our Teacher and Lord continues to break the boundaries which separate us from one another. Help us to hear this ancient conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well as a model for the redemption of creation. For if we overhear it with the heart, we will know that God knows no "outsiders." Amen.

Not even hardshell fundamentalists. Would that they would pray this prayer with their non-fundy brethren!


I thought I would toss out that we sang "We'll Understand it better bye and bye" today. I have to admit that I was not thrilled with this particular hymn. But, it's an "oldy but goody" as they say. We also sang "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus" - another "obg" hymn.
Man, those are more Gospely songs than "hymns." It's all good.

Speaking of outsiders: I have just up and decided to jump in my truck and drive 50 miles to sit outside in 40-degree weather to watch a college baseball game.

That's either dedication or stupidity, and I won't decide now.

As for Nader - he's my biggest regret in life. I actually voted for the guy in 2000, thinking it didn't matter if George W. Bush or Al Gore won. More fool me.

I never want to be an outsider in the game of politics again.
in 2000 lots of states let him on the ballot because nobody opposed it. It won't be that way this time. He will have a very expensive fight just to get on the ballots this time. Not to mention that his complicity in getting Bush elected will now be cast in concrete in the public mind after this is over. A brilliant brilliant man who is being stupid.
It might actually be dangerous to be a Nader Raider this time around.
Who would be dumb enough to join him as a VP candidate? Say maybe he could get Stephen Colbear to run with him.

New Bumper Sticker:

and F... Yourself (again)
Hey GKS: I hung with a former prof who always encourages me to apply for a Ph.D. history program, and she encouraged me to apply for a Ph.D. history program, as usual. Which I find encouraging, yet impossible.

But hey, that made it worth it. :-)

And the Pokes won. Don't know about the second game, 'cause I split to come back to the house bearing a Hideaway Special, which wound be a pizza from Hideaway Pizza (a Stillwater institution) with every slice a different topping. Which I am fixin' to deal with.
Every slice different topping? Can they open a franchise up here?

I don't see why it's impossible. It's only impossible if you decide it's impossible.

I just kept thinking about sitting around in the cold. Man, that's dedication.
Oh, a Hideaway Big Country is, by far, my favorite. It makes my mouth water and my arteries harden just thinkin' about it.
Now, if I was gonna come up with a pizza and call it Big Country, it'd come with chunks of chicken-fried steak, breakfast sausage, bacon and white gravy instead of tomato sauce.

What's really on one?
I'm a fan of the Pizza of the Gods, myself. And the fried mushrooms, mmmmm. I always thought the Hideaway Special was a nice idea, but I was always the poor slob who waited to get her slice and ended up with the onion slice. Ick.

Oh Ralph Nader, you modern Don Quixote. It'll be interesting if Michael Bloomberg really does throw his hat in. And why not get ol'Lyndon LaRouche in while we're at it? And Kang and Kodos? ("Abortions for everyone! Wait ... No abortions for anyone!") Hell, let ME run for president!

Man, you always make me regret skipping church ...
Re: Chicken fried steak pizza -- SHhhhh, don't say that too loudly, someone will do it!

It's funny they still have a Big Country, seeing as the guy they named it for doesn't even play anymore. Isn't there some other nicknamed star they can use to rechristen the pizza?
Ha! Somebody needs to! OH, and I'd have to put corn and green beans on a chicken-fried steak pizza, definitely.

Maybe I'll open some kind of avante-guard New Age-Redneck fusion cafe-beer joint in Boulder!
The Big Country:

Hideaway red sauce, mozzarella, Canadian bacon, pepperoni, polish sausage and hamburger, topped with a delicate taste of cheddar.
* From the online menu.
I might consider a Nader vote again, IF Clinton gets the nod.
I might consider just drinking a quart of pure-grain alcohol the next time I'm in the mood for a beer and don't have one.
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