Thursday, February 07, 2008


The GOP McCain Mutiny

Ahhh ...

So will McCain’s opponents climb down off the ledge and accept the possibility of him being the nominee? Surely they must realize, even grudgingly, that their intellectual credibility among conservatives would be further eroded by failing to back a pro-life, pro-surge, fiscal conservative over a Democratic opponent with diametrically opposing views.

But clearly some of them have priorities other than maintaining credibility. They are in the business, a lucrative business, of drumming up the discontented, playing to the G.O.P.’s most conservative elements and enjoying the applause of their fellow pundits. It is a closed circle—talk-show host interviewing talk-show host and blogger quoting blogger. Their audience is devoted but limited. Their influence beyond that sphere is nil. They are content and will be content to live in their own world, one not remotely representative of the country at large or even the party they (sometimes) claim to champion.

Read all about it in the New York Observer.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy -- this is even better!

Dobson: I cannot, and will not, vote for McCain.

And in case anybody missed it:

Dobson: I'm between a rock and a hard place.

So said the brilliant and at times pithy Dr. ER: "He made them both, the rock and the hard place. Most people just find themselves there sometime."

Oooh, oooh! The funnest places to see the writhing on the right wing is at the blogs of the sheeple themselves!


Not immersed in the alternative universe that is hard-core right-wing Republicanism, I am still at a loss as to the visceral disgust for John McCain among them. The blog to which you link is filled with nonsensical drivel, outright falsehoods, and the kind of disdain one usually sees expended on Democrats and other Muslim-loving, America-hating types.

McCain is probably the most authentically conservative candidate out there. I think Republican voters know that, despite the garbage the radio-talkers keep tossing out there. He was first elected during Reagan's time, and more than any other candidate in this race can seriously lay claim to the former President's legacy (should anyone actually want it).

The anti-democratic bias in the Republican punditry is pretty clear now. They have spent the past year hyping and plugging Romney, Giuliani, and Thompson. When it became clear, especially after Mike Huckabee won the Iowa caucus, that the voters were restless, they went in to overdrive, trying to ensure someone other than McCain would get the nod. Now that voters have spoken in about half the states, the movers and shakers are moving and shaking - and so angry they could chew lead and piss bullets. When I saw that Ann Coulter was endorsing Clinton, and pledging to work for her, I realized the end might actually be here.

Like a rabid animal trapped in a cage, they are turning on themselves, and will die a messy, bloody, frothy hunk of chewed flesh. And it will be so much fun to watch.
So, I've seen several people talking about whether or not McCain would choose Reverend Huckabee as his running mate to shore up the base.

Seems, to me though, that it's unlikely that Reverend Huckabee would be offered the VP spot, given McCain's obvious dislike of the fundie branch of the Republican party (ie. the "agents of intolerance" speech). Also, with McCain in desperate need of the support of independents, cross-overs, and moderate Republicans, VP Reverend Huckabee would be a bad choice. It's likely that at least the cross-over Democrats and independents would run screaming away from the ticket. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen, I suppose, after all McCain has sold out before (the big hug with Bush at the RNC.)

Question #1 is, will the fundies vote for McCain if Reverend Huckabee is only a VP? (Let's face it, with the exception of Dick "The Puppet Master" Cheney, the VP just goes to funerals.) After having their agenda sidelined for the last 30 years, will fundies accept a position that is basically useless? Or are they willing to wait 4 or 8 more years for VP Reverend Huckabee to run for President again, hoping that the VP spot gives him an edge?

Question #2 is, will the moderates vote for McCain if Reverend Huckabee is the VP? Let's face it, McCain is no spring chicken, so the likelihood of Reverend Huckabee succeeding him is greater than usual, and the moderates who would vote for McCain would certainly NOT want a President Reverend Huckabee. Not to mention, even if McCain lived out his term, Reverend Huckabee would have the advantage of incumbency when he ran for President.

Personally I'm just enjoying seeing a party other than the Democrats implode for once.
"Shoring up the base" is the new cry from the Republican talkers. This seems to be the mantra they are trying to pound in to the McCain campaign. In this instance, I think they are right. Overall, Republican turnout has been shockingly lower than Democratic turnout. Most measures also show Democrats far more enthusiastic about their choices than Republicans. Republican voters have skittered in to voting booths and cast their lost with McCain, but not exactly in droves. While this is no guarantee that the Christian-anti-tax-paleo right still holds the whip hand in the party, it might convince McCain to do just that - put Huckabee at his right hand - in order to keep the evangelicals happy. Otherwise, they might just go to a movie the first Tuesday in November, or watch the returns on FOXNews, rather than get out the vote.

This would certainly put McCain in a bind - having to appease the mouth-breathers on the one hand while still pretending to have bona fides as a "maverick" Republican - that will not help him come the general election. Combined with the signal on Tuesday night from Howard Dean that the Democrats are coming out hard and fast tying McCain to Bush's, er, hip, I believe this creates multiple problems for the senior Senator from Arizona, despite the man-love he receives from the David Broder-Chris Matthews axis of wankery.

Ala, I do have to echo your last thought. The implosion of the Republican Party is quite a sight.
McCain asks Huckabee to be veep, Huckabee will be seen as a sell-out by the true-believing fundies (but I repeat myself), and many of the peole who support McCain now because he is NOT a religious wingnut will stay home.

These guys' supporters are like oil and vinegar -- and the, uh, Republican Party vinnegret(sp?) has done separated!
This damn Blooger ate my comment twice now. One more time.

I had hope never to see such a mass psychosis in America as we seem to have now. I think these radical right guys are truly waiting for Jesus to swoop down and fix this mess for them. Or maybe they are praying that the 1968 type kooks will save them again.

I especailly love the concept that the Democratic party is in disaray. Disaray, we are having to chose between a woman or a black for the next President of the United States and that is disaray? Wow, thow me into that proverbial briar patch Bro'!!

They are so steep in their own chauvanism and racism that they think all of America sees it their way.

One thing though, it is not enough just to change the guard this time. We need to hunt down every single law breaker in the last administration one by one and convict and jail them. "IN THAT THEY NEVER UNDERSTOOD GRACE LET THEM EAT JUSTICE". To do otherwise will invite more of the same in the future.

I used to think I needed a bumper sticker that says "Vote No For President", now I think I need one that says,"GET REVENGE! VOTE HILLERY".

By the way keep the spotlight on the radica right "common taters", they can't help by destroy their own selves. Their maddness is escalating daily. The Retail establishment will soon decide they are not profitable. Let them eat their own.
Seems relevant somehow:

"I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me?"

Barry Goldwater .... but then, what would he know about actually being conservative? ;)
Notice how Dobson, when he goes on these rants, is suddenly "speaking as a private citizen" and not as a representative of his nominally religious and actually partisan political organization?

Dr. Dobson, here's a proposal: Why not do the honest thing? Quit trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth and just announce, so that we can all be clear, that you are head of a personal political movement that has absolutely no relationship to Christianity whatsover?

Let's see, now who did Jesus endorse for emperor?
One other thing Dr. Dobson: Speaking as a private citizen myself, my Bible doesn't have anything on stem cells, tax cuts or judicial hearings. But it has a heck of a lot of words on caring for the poor and seeking justice for the oppressed and THE IMMIGRANT. How about getting off your soapbox, setting aside a bit of your pride and opening up your Bible?

Just a thought.
..and they call US moonbats..
Say, I see where McCain is not a true conservative because he believes in "Global Warming."

Now if the the lowly spruce bark beetle believes in global warming enough to move North 800 miles in the last 10 years, why can't a candidate for the U.S. Presidency.
Surely we want to elect someone as least as intelligent as a bark beetle. But maybe some Republicans don't.
Fellas, you're enjoying this wayyy too much.

Now, to make you a bit giddier: Guess which Mormon presidential candidate is dropping out of the race????

(I think I just heard the sound of 100,000 sets of fundamental teeth gnashing...)
A million dentist will be happy tomorrow!
Could this GET any better? Romney leaves but not Huckabee?

As Monty Burns would say, "Eeeeeexxxxcellent."
I can not help but elaborate on the global warming comments above. According to the Vienna Forensic Institute Police Pathologist in Europe have to stop using the blowfly range and developemtn rate charts provided by the institute because the fly has migrated from southern France north into Germany over the past five years. Thus the charts are outdated and inaccurate. The effect of global warming is having on the fly populations and thus the use of insect development in decompostion is now being called into question within the Euro court systems.

In other words even flys understand global warming. Can anybody here say, "dumber than a blowfly"?
I mean it, Alan: No more snickering and certainly no bwa-ha-ha-ha's...

No, "I told you so's," no "Couldn't happen to a nicer political party," no deep soulful laughs lasting more than ten minutes.

Karma kills.
I save the bwah-ha-ha's for when I reanimate dead tissue in the lab.

I have to say, I'm enjoying the fact that I had to vote for McCain in the Michigan primary, given how much irritation he's causing the far right. Who says one vote doesn't make a difference?

"Karma kills."

As the Republicans are now learning. ;) Actually I'm turning the other cheek ... and laughing in their direction for the first time in about 8 years.
I have to say: I am not laughing in derision because the Grand Old Party is in disarray. I am laughing in joy because maybe the GOP is slipping out of the shackles the right-wing has put it in, which will aloow it to function as one of two great parties should, by relearning the art of compromise, and maybe the right wing will be sent into the dessert, where it, in turn, will slough off its crazies, allowing those duped to regain some sense and return to a legitimate place under the bell of the GOP.

Free metaphors. Today only.

And, perhaps I hope for too much.
Ha. Desert, not dessert.
No, Dessert - as in, Pie in the face?
"I am laughing in joy because maybe the GOP is slipping out of the shackles the right-wing has put it in,"

Indeed. In spite of my juvenile joy (squee!!) at seeing them implode (now if only someone would pour a bucket of water on She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and burn her broom, my joy would be complete) I'll be most happy when (please ... WHEN!) McCain pics another moderate as his VP, or at least someone who isn't beholden to the fundies. If he picks Huckabee, it'll just signal business as usual. If he really wants to move the party, he'll do something different.
Colin Powell.
I just heard the Republican pundits saying McCain will run as the "War President"! Are they nuts?
Good lord Oklahoma just seince 4000of our children, husbands and wives over there. How much more do you want John?

New bumper sticker:
"just seince 4000of our"

Passion over-riding the fingers.

We just sent 4000 of our.....
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