Thursday, February 28, 2008


Citizen McCain? Huckabee question ...

(Rolling eyes).

The McCain-Panama tempest is a 10-YEAR-OLD STORY.

The New York Times is embarrassing itself over where McCain was born.

Here's a more interesting question: If Huckabee was born again overseas, would red-white-and-blue American fundamentalists still consider him a Christian?

I'm just sayin'.


As "The Times" goes on I truly despair as to the viability of our education system. Everybody knows that the first seven Presidents of the United States were not born in the United States. No not at all, they were all foriegn born citizens of the various Colonies under the rule of the British Crown. I don't see a grandfather clause in the constitution for them, so the definition of "Native Born" would have to have some large amount of wiggle room to say the least. Funny, the Times didn't mention them.
The whole "native born" clause was put in to disqualify from the Presidency a single individual - Alexander Hamilton, who was born in the Caribbean. I'm not sure how one enforces such an unwieldy legal provision, except in the rare case - some of the gab about Arnold Schwarzenegger before it became clear he couldn't govern his way out of an open box - that one's status as "foreign born" was pretty obvious.
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