Saturday, January 19, 2008


Meatball pizza & Holy Cows!

Whoa. Last night I dreamed that Big Brudder ER and I were in church, sort of.

We were in a classroom at back of a sanctuary, with the door open so we could see the preacher at the pulpit. It was the fundy preacher who, though I love him to this day, did much to sour me on the whole fundamentalist world view (so I thank him, actually).

He was preachin' and wavin' the Bible around and thumpin' the pulpit and carryin' on, as he is wont to do -- and then, as if he were making a caricature out of himself, he over-actedly fell prostrate across the pulpit, bawling in grief for the lost (he did occasionally lose himself in weepery).

But then he jumps up, composes himself, turns to a curtain right behind the pulpit, whips it open -- and there is a brightly colored cartoon scene, sky-blue sky, fluffy white clouds, bright green pastures -- and an incredible number of bouncy, balloonified, black-and-white faux Holstein cows!

And they SWARMED into the sanctuary. As a bouncy, balloonified, black-and-white faux Holstein weanling zipped into the classroom door, ran between my brother and I and bounced off the back wall, I woke up cracking up -- and knew immediately that the leftover double-meatball, bacon and tomato pizza I had for supper had done a number on me.


That's too funny!!
You know, I've had several dreams where the cows literally come home. I'm not the only one I know with this experience.

Other likely feeds into this dream, besides the pizza:

Particularly heated argument just before bed with certain fundies at another certain blog.

The fundy preacher in the dream preached Mama ER's funeral, and she has been on my mind a lot the past few days.

I knew I'd be meeting Big Brudder in the next few days to pick up some papers that need my and Dr. ER's signatures.

Cows are never far my mind. But why they were Holsteins, I don't know -- and why they were bouncy, balloonified, black-and-white faux Holsteins I have no idea!
That's hilarious - and they were probably Holsteins because

1)Holsteins being in fact the elite of the cow world , they point to the meat on the pizza being of high quality.

2)Or another theory - but based on fact: old Holsteins end up being culled (the meat bought up by McD's and other sellers of cheap ground beef), and those meatballs were just making themselves known in the only accessible way!

As someone who shares their home 160 acres with 400 Holsteins, but works in interpreting literary works, perhaps you could accept me as some sort of authority on this matter ;)

NB This is why I don't eat after 4 pm (haven't for 20 odd years) - because food after that time gives me strange dreams.
LOL! That is a right fine interpretation, Karen. :-)
It could also be a metaphor for your feelings about fundamentalist preachers in general - a whole herd of bullshit.

Or, you could just run with the whole pizza theory.
Ha. Remember "meatball" surgery on MASH?

"Meatball doctrine" -- not as much meat as appears, and quite a bit of filler.
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