Monday, December 24, 2007


I am blessed

Thanks to Kirsten!

How the Bloggin' Blessing works, by Ukok, who started it.

In short: It’s a game of tag with a difference, rather than looking inwardly, we look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for three blog friends. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipients of the blessings feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too. We’re going to see how far the bloggin’ blessings can travel around the world and how many people can be blessed! Recipients of a bloggin’ blessing may upload the above image to their sidebar if they choose to. If you recieve a bloggin’ blessin’ please leave a comment on this thread here so that we can rejoice in just how many blessings have been sent around the world!

So ...

Bless Timothy and Mark and EL.

We've had major differences -- and rancor, anger and meanness. May we each strive harder to disagree without being disagreeable, especially over matters of faith and conscience, and may we give one another the benefit of the doubt.

Thank you, Kirsten.

The ER clan is now GTT.



P.S.: Track Santa!

Thank you for the prayers.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holy Days!
ER, some day we need to talk about the Martyrs Syndrom.
Blessings to you and the entire ER clan. May the Lord richly bless you all this holiday season.
From a Homewood Suites in Texas ...

DrLobojo: Pbbbth, and Merry Christmas Eve!
Enjoy Mass tonight.
I'm not Catholic and I have taken the Eucherist. I haven't choked on it yet. Remember Pauls teachings on this subject.
Merry Christmas to your and Dr. ER and Bird and Beau and laws and outlaws.
OK, maybe it was the "Eucharist" I took.
No mass. Better: Lots of fambly!
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