Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Huckabee scores on a draw play

Mike Huckabee's misleading statements about his education aside, his politics aside, the myth of the "war on Christmas" aside ...

There is now, I think, a rhetorical war over Christmas, started, like the war in Iraq, with distortion and lies and mock Christianity.

We now actually are saddled with: 1., a war in Iraq, and 2., a war over Christmas, what it means, how it should be expressed, etc. The righties started it, as far as I'm concerned; but we have it, for whatever reason.

And in the war over Christmas, the Huckabee ad was a classic feint, a draw play, if you will -- and his opponents rushed into nothing -- and will be left scratching their heads wondering how Huckabee made so much gain over what, really, is something that should be expected from a Southern Baptist PREACHER who is running for president.

Score one, a big one, for the religious right; middle America will react to the overreaction by the secular Left with warm feelings for Huckabee, all because the Left apparently doesn't know anything about tactics in war, and can't read a draw play.

That, or Mike Huckabee, whatever his shortcomings, meant what he said in the ad -- with which I, personally, concur.

That and $3.49 will get you a venti nonfat one-Splenda latte at the Starbucks.


People are up in arms about THAT?


I think the reason Huckabee is so successful with his charm and shoot-from-the-hip humor is because it IS genuine.

I think he is a genuinly nice guy who would genuinly make a really lousy president.

Freaking out about him acting like a nice guy seems...strange.

I'm actually surprised that he's lasted that long in the shark tank and is doing as well as he is.

It gives me hope that we COULD have a competant candidate in the race who is also a genuine person.
Yep. It's stuff like this that causes me to say that I hold my nose and stand with the Left (but still can't stand with the Right at all).
I'm with ya doood.
It seems that the media is really enamored with Mr. Huckabee and keeps going on about how "likable" he is.

We have a controversy in SF about whether or not a star on top of the tree in front of city hall is a violation of its inclusiveness of the holidays that are supposed to have no reference to Christmas and are supposed to be called the Winter Holidays. I don't like the idea of forcing any religion on people, but I think it's really dishonest to call Christmas a Winter Holiday and deny that it is a Christian holiday. Why not make Ramadan a universal January holiday and call it the Feasting Festival while we're at it?

Do they still have the cross in the tower in downtown OKC? It's always a bit ironic to me -- right religion but the wrong symbol for this holiday.
Yep. It's a privately owned building, and the Cross is still there.

(They leave lights on in the building at night to form a cross seen for miles.)
Ladron de Basura,

Well, he IS likable. I remember the first time I saw him on Jon Stewart lo many years ago now, and I thought...
..."HEY, he seems like a REALLY nice guy. He's genuine, funny, charming, and just comes off as a real sweetheart."

I was really happy to see he was running for president, because I kind of wanted to be able to vote for a Republican from time to time like I used to.

Then, he started talking politics, and ruined the whole illusion.

I still think he's a nice guy, though. I'd actually like to have him and his family over for a BBQ and a beer and watch the game some Sunday. But running the country? No thanks!

Then there's Hillary who I wouldn't trust farther than I can comfortably spit a rat.


If it came down between the two of them, I think my head would explode in the voting booth.
Re, "I'd actually like to have him and his family over for a BBQ and a beer and watch the game some Sunday."

This is exactly what fooled me about Dubya. Never. Again.

Me: Still Richardson in the primary. Whatever Dem dog is left standing in the general.
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