Thursday, October 11, 2007



She needs to just shut her self the hell up.

Christian: Jews 2.0.

Inanity. Insanity, Profanity.

Somebody needs to find a find an advertising rope and a tall oak tree on the political-commentary horizon. What a damn embarrassment to people who can read and write.


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Nothing drives me to drink like today's public "Christians." That must be why Jesus turned water into wine -- because he knew we'd need it!
And for any fundamentalist brethren -- and I use that term, "brethren," deliberately and with as much kindness as I can muster -- the great John Hagee hisself, although he has had to change his mind to get there, rejects "replacement theology" -- a modern term for an interpretations of New Testament's "claims" that God's relationship with Christians supersedes his prior relationship with ethnic Jews.

Ann Coulter, apparently. has not "kept up with the literature" as we academically mijnded ty[es like to say.

Man! I need to tie one on, and tell y'all what I really think. :-)
He hit on a key point I make about Ann Coulter - how can someone be so well-educated and yet so unaware of the ramifications of what she suggests? She makes me nuts! Now she's on to soteriology. This is going to bug me all through my theology class. . .
Wow. This just leaves you speechless.
Well, not speechless for long... Pride (the destructive kind) can take education and turn it into something as ugly as this.

CS Lewis said, that although all sins were sins, there were those (usually of carnal nature) that were less destructive than others. The most dangerous, according to him, is Pride, a spiritual sin, which is the cause of most of the others.
John 8:7
John 8:6(b)-7: "But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

Doesn't apply, Anon. Ann Coulter holds herself out as righteous, and as an expert on all things. I do not.

Jesus scolded hypocrites who had rounded up a sinner and were about to stone her.

No one put Ann Coulter in the place she is in but Ann Coulter. She asks for any stones thrown her way, and I am obliging her, rhetorically.
I try to ignore She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named as often as possible. She is a rabid wolverine in the zoo of our politics.
Could it possibly be that this is AC's "nappy headed ho's" comment?
Where is Al Sharpton?
Where is Rainbow Jesse Jackson?
Indeed, where is James Dobson?
I love it when she gets down to the bone like this. There ain't nowhere for Ann to back peddle to.
She has sided with this position. if she denies it then the rigorist will disown her.
I agree the verse doesn't apply. John 8:7 does not seem to mean that Christians cannot make moral judgments. That would be closer to relativism. Christians need to be able defend the faith from those who pervert and degrade it. Like those who call it Federal Express.
I'm a Jew that actually doesn't get offended by Ann Coulter. Unlike Michael Moore, I think she's actually honest. She's nuts, but I think she believes every word she says. She does it all in order to make money, and she's pretty transparent about it. Moore also does it all for money, but hides behind the veneer of being an activist. He's in for it first and foremost for fame and money.
Oh, I don't believe that -- although I think it is perfectly acceptable to make money, even a lot of it, if you can, by doing the right things. Shit fire, if it wasn't for rich liberals, there wouldn't be any effective liberalism at all in this damn country! Jeez. Damn good-government bullshit has dang near rurned politics!
Amen to the AC comment junk theif, but I think Moore believes himself to be an activist, but is self deluded and sloppy.
Is this She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named "nappy headed ho's" comment?

Of course not. She can call Al Gore and John Edwards "faggots" and the right eats it up. She can say that she wishes Timothy McVeigh had blown up the NY Times building and the right cheers. She can call 9/11 widows "whores" and not worry about losing a dime from speaking engagements.
No, and, in fact, "the perfection" of Jews by their "advancement" to becoming Christians is, in fact, a plank of certain elements of fundamentalism-evengelicalism. So, she will be seen yet again, as a righteous voice crying in a political wilderness.

I'd sure like to hear her "testimony." I don't care whether one is a cradle Presby or whatever: Anyone who consciously tries to have a relationship with God, for personal enlightenment, salvation, to "perfect" if you will their relationship with other people -- whatever -- has stories to tell about their epiphanies, their advances, their setbacks, their fears and the evolution (pardon the expression) of their faith and how it changes their world view.

Anybody knows of where Coulter has written such, pass it along, please. Since she nows wears her Christianity on her sleeveless, I really would like to know something about her personal faith journey.
The Left commentators are killed off in public the Conservative commentators die in private.
Let's see how much longer Ann is arround. Talk again this time next year.
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