Sunday, October 07, 2007


It's the Lord's Supper -- not ours

Run from any church, or pastor, who "fences," guards or otherwise dares "protect" the Communion table from "the unworthy." We all are unworthy.

Christ issues the invitation -- not the Church. It's the Lord's Supper -- not ours. I take and eat -- sin and all.

People, forgive me my incomplete humanity! Lord, thank you for Your Grace.


My GOD! I REJECT any account of the Gospel that dismisses the reality of the Willingness of Jesus to sacrifice Himself! Paschal lamb? WhatEVER. His is The Example of Love and Self Sacrifice!
We must have heard the Word similarly yesterday, E.R. My minister concentrated on the gruesome nature of the crucifixion -- the very thing that bids us not to take lightly the body and blood of communion. Ignoring that Jesus was beaten to a bloody pulp before the crucifixion cheapens the value of the Blood and sanitizes the sacrifice.
My minister also showed a modern depiction of the Last Supper called The Twelve Tribes. View it Hyatt Moore
Great painting!
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