Saturday, October 20, 2007


Go ye, therefore, and smack down

By Robert Parham

Unless presidential candidates want a spiritual smack down, they should avoid talking to Southern Baptist Convention president Frank Page, who failed to retain the pastoral confidentiality of two conversations and then boasted to other pastors about his soul-winning ways. ...

The SBC leader bragged to a gathering of Southern Baptist fundamentalist pastors in Oklahoma that in a private, two-hour meeting with Rudy Giuliani, a Roman Catholic, that he "shared Christ with him."

Page's perception about Giuliani's lack of Christian faith was so strong that at the end of the meeting he recounted: "Rudy, I'm not going to leave this place unless I give you an opportunity to pray with me to receive Jesus as your savior. Would you do that with me Rudy?"

Read all about it at Ethics Daily.

WOW. Catholicism is a "false religion," ya know. ...

On a lighter note: Dr. ER is in the house! We are granddog-sitting this weekend while Bird and YankeeB go to a wedding in Texas. And this weekend is Oklahoma State's homecoming! I wish we could be in two places at once!


At the end of the Day the SBC cannot indorse Rudy or Romney. The SBC vote will stay home rather than vote for either of these.

The attempts at some of the other Repubs to ingratiate themselves with the fundamentalists is sad. I'll give fundies this: They can smell bullshit an election away. And True Believers will sleep weell at night not voting rather than "caving."
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