Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Oklahoma Centennial Parade redux

More pix! The big balloon guy is ol' Will Rogers hisself. Below, the good-lookin' gal givin' the thumbs-up is Oklahoma's Teacher of the Year, Stephanie Canada, who (incidentally) teaches P.E. at Will Rogers Elementary in Shawnee.
Also below, you will see the only surrey with a fringe on top seen at the parade -- in a mural! The bandies with drum and cymbals are from Langston University, Oklahoma's historically black college, the western-most historically black college in the country. The babes at right likewise are from Langston.

Read about Oklahoma's mixed-up Cultural Regions, from the new Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture. I think the article nails it!

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Looks like OK knows how to throw a party for itself. You know, I have made a bit of fun at your home state's expense, but in truth, except for the little fact of reneging on a Treaty with the Native Americans giving them the place in perpetuity, every place in America has much to celebrate. Any state than can boast Will Rogers, James Garner, and that teacher (PE! Woo-hoo!) is a great place to live. Even with the occasional tornado and flood (which we have here in Illinois, too).
Love the pictures.
Love the pictures.
Great photos. But there's something about the balloon of the cowboy being horizontal. Too many beers? I really like that boy in a suit on a John Deere. Nice look!
Thanks, Junk.
That's ol' Will Rogers, and he's horiozontal because the wind was sweeping down the plains the day of the parade, with pretty stiff gusts! They kep all the big balloons tightly tethered and down low. Shortly after I shot the pic of the Oklahoma state flag balloon, it dang near got blown plumb down!
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That's ol' Will Rogers, and he's horiozontal because the wind was sweeping down the plains the day of the parade, with pretty stiff gusts! They kep all the big balloons tightly tethered and down low. Shortly after I shot the pic of the Oklahoma state flag balloon, it dang near got blown plumb down!
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