Wednesday, September 26, 2007


The Toad speaks on 'values' voters

I take Toad for granted, and I shouldn't. I've been acquainted with him, blogwise, about as long as I've been blogging. Toad speaks truth rawly.

So sayeth Toad: I will say that if by "family values" you mean teaching your children to fear and hate anyone who is different and disagrees with them, then sure, the Republicans still have the edge on that one.

Toad on the joke of Republican family values.

Oh, what the hey, since I'm in the mood, here's a bunch of spin-to-the-point-of-sin from Focus on Everybody's Family But Their Own.

The amendment "would create a new federal class of crime based on 'actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.' "

With the secular homo-hating right wing and the "Christian" right wing gunning for homosexuals, tell me, someone, why they don't deserve an extra measure of protection.

Why isn't it like an anti-lynching law, which also gave extra protection to a kind of people who were being abused??

Sen. Kennedy has a point:

At a time when our ideals are under attack by terrorists in other lands, it is more important than ever to demonstrate that we practice what we preach, and that we are doing all we can to root out the bigotry and prejudice in our own country that leads to violence here at home. ...

Hate is hate regardless of what nation it originates in. We can send a strong message about the need to eradicate hate crimes throughout the world by passing this hate crimes amendment to the Defense Department Authorization Bill. The hate crimes amendment we are offering today condemns the poisonous message that some human beings deserve to be victimized solely because of their race, religion, or sexual orientation and must not be ignored. This action is long overdue. When the Senate approves this amendment, we will send a message about freedom and equality that will resonate around the world.

Oh, Bill Richardson sounded good in tonight's Dem debate.


Right on to the Toad.
Christian rigorist have always been attacked by those with the wrong values, those moderates and the liberals. Since the days of Constantine, they have had to fight to survive. Even after they were the only orthodox game anywhere and were catholic in scope, they continue to stuggle against their opposition. As history records they finally won. They banished and inquesitioned the heretics. They destroyed all of the pagan shrines, art, and temples and burned all of the pagan and herectical books (700,000 in the Library of Alexadria alone) and killed or converted the opposition.
Then with this victory, they settled into the long glorious reign of rigorism known as the DARK AGES.
You know what happens to "No Child's Left Behind" when it is translated into Latin? It reads "No Child's Behind Left"
I've always found it strange that anyone, liberal or conservative, would listen to any politician (liberal or conservative) talk about "values." Heck, I wouldn't buy a used care from those folks, why would I listen to them tell me how to live my life, run my family, or raise kids?!

As for Toad's list, it's a good start, but doesn't go far enough. Though he points out all the sexual indiscretions, he fails to mention that as fathers, many of them are also failures by any measure. In several cases, their kids can't stand them, and don't even speak to them anymore.

Yet these guys are the experts on "marriage" and "family"? Feh.
Why attach it to the Defense Department Authorization Bill? Can't it stand on its own merit? Instead of Pork Barrel "Spending," now we have Pork Barrel Legislating?

The amendment may be a good thing, but the method of passage is deceitful.
Sneaky? Creative? Provocative? Yes.

Decietful? Not even close, assumming that congress peeps read the bills -- or leas their staffs -- read the dang bills.

Not deceitful. No way. Pick another word.

Besides, if you accept his argument about the message it sends to the worlds, as I do, it is clearly germane.

Glad to see ya, EL! :-) And I really mean that.
"Unethical" regardless of party of affiliation.
EL, there is absolutely nothing unethicazl about using the legislative process to try to forward one's views! Nope. Pick another word. But there's nada unethical about it at all.
What? It's perfectly ethical to tack unrelated legislation to... unrelated spending bills? Dems cry about Repubs doing it but ye daren't raise hue nor cry when dems do the same?

Let's be fair ER. You can't have it both ways for therein lies the seed of hypocrisy.

Let's end it for everyone irrespective of party affiliation. Fair is fair.
Damn it. I didn't say it was fair. I didn't say it was advisable. All I'm saying is it is NOT unethical -- because as long as it's above-board, although it's unorthodox, how can can it be unethical??

And I have never personally bitched about the Repubs using Robert's Rules to their advantage. So, don't try to smear me with that BS. Good-government -- goo-goo -- crap is ruining both government and politics in this country.

Hell, let's all play hardball and let God sort it out. This pretend political civility is what makes *me* sick.

The fathers of our post-Reformation faith are Luther, Zwingli and Calvin. They didn't exactly play "fair" in government.

It's at the end of the day, when we (we Christians) lay down our earthly arms, that we should shut the hell up and look to Jesus.

[And to be frank, I don't give a damn what nonChristians think about it.]
Whoa there, pardner!

I'm not smearing you. Though I can see how you would think I was. Rhetrically speaking, there are plenty of people on the Left who DO B----h about Repubs. I was merely commenting on the fact.
Ah, thanks for the link. Any pork is bullshit no matter what. If I became president I would veto any bill which didn't focus on one subject, that way congress would learn.
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