Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Tag! Oklahoma is it!

Myself, I think the tag is silly, but harmless, in that it reflects the general thinking around here already. It's not adding anything.
I think the ones attacking the state, and its people, though, are obnoxious elitest phonies. Shut the hell up, y'all.
One thing I keep seeing is the assertion that Oklahoma has no room for such, because of "home-grown terrorist" Timothy McVeigh! Well, that son-of-a-bitch was from NEW YORK.
No, sometimes I can't take a joke.
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It's not silly -- it's tacky. There's a difference. Although I do kind of like that image of the eagle being strangled in red tape.
Tacky! It is tacky. But it's silly, too, IMHO, because it's Seinfeldian: A tag about nothing.
The concept of the GWOT itself is dangerous because it creates a Big Nothing Idea to distract this country from its actual enemies and to blur the complexities of the situation we find outselves in as the world's lone (supposed) superpower.
Maybe I'm trying to mince a word, though, by calling it silly. That downplays the fact that the tag perpetuates a myth that is harmful to the country:
We Have One Enemy: Terrorists!
We have many enemies, and they all have their own reasons for being our enemy -- and "they hate our freedom" ain't it.
The concept of the GWOT itself is dangerous because it creates a Big Nothing Idea to distract this country from its actual enemies and to blur the complexities of the situation we find outselves in as the world's lone (supposed) superpower.
Maybe I'm trying to mince a word, though, by calling it silly. That downplays the fact that the tag perpetuates a myth that is harmful to the country:
We Have One Enemy: Terrorists!
We have many enemies, and they all have their own reasons for being our enemy -- and "they hate our freedom" ain't it.
Did you notice this particular comment under the first hit on that Google page?:
'One "Debbie G." from New York City suggested that "given the thought process, a picture of Yosemite Sam would be more fitting."'
Just like that little fella up at the top of this page?
'One "Debbie G." from New York City suggested that "given the thought process, a picture of Yosemite Sam would be more fitting."'
Just like that little fella up at the top of this page?
What? She thinks Yosemite Sam doesn't think? Because of the way he looks and talks? That's what I'm talking about: It's a form of cultural bias and superiority as bad as Jim Crow.
And thus is born an idea: I'm calling this kind of bullshit ...
Jim-Bob Crow. The predominant anti-rural-redneck bias especially predominant in the urban north.
And thus is born an idea: I'm calling this kind of bullshit ...
Jim-Bob Crow. The predominant anti-rural-redneck bias especially predominant in the urban north.
Your response is what i would expect from someone coming from oklahoma... it's shows your inferiority complex... of which, you should feel inferior....
especially since you are not really from oklahoma, but from arkansas...
especially since you are not really from oklahoma, but from arkansas...
Rich: Ha. There are lots of rednecks in California. I have nothing agin' Californians per se; see Bakersfield.
Anon. I know who you are. Don't make me drive back there and kick yer ass. :-). (It's true: Mama ER took me 10 miles or so east across the state line to get me born. I am an Arklahoman.)
Anon. I know who you are. Don't make me drive back there and kick yer ass. :-). (It's true: Mama ER took me 10 miles or so east across the state line to get me born. I am an Arklahoman.)
"Jim-Bob-Crow"..I love that! I, stupidly, went to some of the blogs that were talking about it and, man, did the back of my neck get red. It's not THAT big a deal, and not only that, we are hardly the only state to have one, so why are they kicking us so hard?
A few years ago, a writer published a book called What's Wrong With Kansas? which played upon every stereotype of the small-minded Plains resident people on both coasts hold concerning those in fly-over country. The book did make one good point, that the Republicans have played up cultural issues as a blind for economic issues that should have put many in the Plains firmly in the populist/liberal wing. It is an old game, much of it fueled by ignorance and a willingness to believe only those who live in New York, Washington, or Los Angeles really understand the world. Alas, if the past six years have shown us anything, it has shown how abysmal the judgment of our elites is.
I read that "Kansas." It is amazing how peopel vote against their actual self-interests in favor of BS "culture war" nonissue issues.
We do sell the thing.
Along with 143 other often wierd plates. (I am especially fond of the purple heart one).
Also, we, like Kansas, consistantly screw ourselves. Look no further that those we send to the Senate.
And we do have some strong relationships with NYC. Many of those rescuers in NYC and OKC were from each others cities. Those dogs looking for survivors and latter for cadavers were often teams from Oklahoma. many many of the grief couselors were from Oklahoma. We understood the NYC pain. On a per capita basis the bombing deaths in OKC were ever bit as devistating to the community of OKC as they were to NYC. Not to mention that many Oklahomans and friends and families of Oklahomas died on 9/11.
Now the push back.
Most Oklahomans are contempous of the concept that we should fear another attack. Get on with it, is the major attitude.
What kind of logic from the other blog's bloggers damns Oklahoma and Oklahomans for the "terrrorism" against native Americans because they were sent to Oklahoma. Now that one really escapes me. Forget the concept that American Indians were only the victims of terrorism. Oklahoma has 34 (+/-) tribal structures and lands through out the State. We are so intermix that hardly anyone is not kin to an Oklahoma American Indian by blood or marriage. Even that Tag being discussed says "Oklahoma Native America". Is New Jersey, New York, Wisconsin, Georgia, so forth and so on who sent the Indians our here in the first place to get a pass on this?
And..mmm...uh, ER those rednecks in California, well they are the ones we sent out there. Most of them are my cousins and inlaws.
We do sell the thing.
Along with 143 other often wierd plates. (I am especially fond of the purple heart one).
Also, we, like Kansas, consistantly screw ourselves. Look no further that those we send to the Senate.
And we do have some strong relationships with NYC. Many of those rescuers in NYC and OKC were from each others cities. Those dogs looking for survivors and latter for cadavers were often teams from Oklahoma. many many of the grief couselors were from Oklahoma. We understood the NYC pain. On a per capita basis the bombing deaths in OKC were ever bit as devistating to the community of OKC as they were to NYC. Not to mention that many Oklahomans and friends and families of Oklahomas died on 9/11.
Now the push back.
Most Oklahomans are contempous of the concept that we should fear another attack. Get on with it, is the major attitude.
What kind of logic from the other blog's bloggers damns Oklahoma and Oklahomans for the "terrrorism" against native Americans because they were sent to Oklahoma. Now that one really escapes me. Forget the concept that American Indians were only the victims of terrorism. Oklahoma has 34 (+/-) tribal structures and lands through out the State. We are so intermix that hardly anyone is not kin to an Oklahoma American Indian by blood or marriage. Even that Tag being discussed says "Oklahoma Native America". Is New Jersey, New York, Wisconsin, Georgia, so forth and so on who sent the Indians our here in the first place to get a pass on this?
And..mmm...uh, ER those rednecks in California, well they are the ones we sent out there. Most of them are my cousins and inlaws.
"Well, and wouldn't Sam, by the very dint of his nickname, be from California?"
Actually Sam was created by a Missourian.
Actually Sam was created by a Missourian.
As a NY "elitist", I don't think that the plates reflect anything wrong with Oklahoma people. It's a state issued plate and if my state came up with that bullshit for our plates, I would give them hell for it. I know that you will do the same.
In NY we have Yankees and Mets tags. Imagine the nonsense that ensues from that? You would think that there was nothing else in the world going on. To many people, there is nothing else in the world going on. And god forbid you drive to Massachusetts sporting anything "Yankees" on your person or car. I don't, but I get the finger simply for having NY plates on my car during the playoffs. I travel to New England quite often.
I don't know what my point is. Same shit. Different state.
In NY we have Yankees and Mets tags. Imagine the nonsense that ensues from that? You would think that there was nothing else in the world going on. To many people, there is nothing else in the world going on. And god forbid you drive to Massachusetts sporting anything "Yankees" on your person or car. I don't, but I get the finger simply for having NY plates on my car during the playoffs. I travel to New England quite often.
I don't know what my point is. Same shit. Different state.
Howdy, Liz. Although I first saw about this tag on y'alls' site, and I ranted over there, most of my ire is directed at morons on other sites who did jump to conclusions about Oklahoma as a whole, and Oklahomans. Oh, and who brought up McVeigh and the Murrah Building bombing, and the allegation of mistreatment of Indians by Oklahomans, who, actually, have been more of a refuge for victims of the sins of the rest of the country than anything, at least since 1907 -- before which there *was* no "Oklahoma."
Anyway. Blood pressure is back down down. Another day, another rant. -)
Of cours,e this doesn't compare to the ou-Texas craziness and the ou-Oklahoma State thing. :-)
Anyway. Blood pressure is back down down. Another day, another rant. -)
Of cours,e this doesn't compare to the ou-Texas craziness and the ou-Oklahoma State thing. :-)
didn't you guys used to have "ok is okay!" on your plates. the new slogan is almost better....
While I was perusing the sites you linked to on Google I came across a story that linked to an even more tacky plate and that would be in Virginia. You have got the pentagon and the towers and the flag all in one. It says Fight Terrorism.
While I was perusing the sites you linked to on Google I came across a story that linked to an even more tacky plate and that would be in Virginia. You have got the pentagon and the towers and the flag all in one. It says Fight Terrorism.
They should go ahead and put Jesus his own self on that Virginny plate! Sigh.
I'd gladly take "Oklahoma is OK" back!
I'd gladly take "Oklahoma is OK" back!
Okay, Lizzie and ER, now you've stepped across the line when you start laughing at our license plates here in The Old Dominion! :=) (And those plates ain't new, BTW. We've had 'em since just after 9/11.)
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