Monday, August 20, 2007


A couple of baaaaad-asses seen the other night at the Willie-Haggard-Ray Price concert

Sweat-drenched and fairly beer-soaked.

I can't believe I took this with a dadgum telephone.


Ooohhhh!! I'm skeeered!!
Thugs! No wonder "Pastor" Timothy has done went and handed me over to Santa!

I mighta misread that ...

Ohhh, this is good:

You are a wicked man. You have attacked Christ and His Word repetidly. You have been given the gospel and only accept it on your own terms, cutting out the parts of the Bible that you disagree with. You have made your own "christ" and have started your own religion. You keep coming to true Christians' sites so you can have your warped views validated. They will not be because they are contrary to Scripture. You are right about one thing- you are not our brother in the Lord. [I never said anything remotely close to that, but then, she's making this stuff up as he goes, so ... -- ER] One who truly loves the Lord will love His Word and live obediently to Tim. [OK, actually, she wrote "Him."] We will continue to pray for you that the Lord softens and convicts your hard heart. Do not have any further contact with or about our family. You will be blocked. Any other contact from you will be concidered harrassment.
Elisa | Homepage | 08.20.07 - 1:57 pm | #


AS my lovely wife said, you are no longer welcome here. You've attacked me, the Bible and the true faith enough. You are NOT our brother in the LORD. Who are you to question the Bible? Who are you to question the very word of God, that validates itself? The word of God claims to be just that, and your rejection of it shows you to be a true heretic of the faith.

No, I won't wink, wink, nudge, nudge in your general direction because your sin is gross and heinous. You are the wolf in sheeps clothings, and you are not welcomed here. I will not fellowship with you, or have communion with you. You have proven yourself to be reprobate, according to God's word, not my interpretation. I hand you over to Satan, as Paul did with the immoral brother in Corinth (1 Cor. 5:5).
Timothy | Homepage | 08.20.07 - 2:06 pm | #


BTW, the only reason that you were able to post on here, is that I've hope that eventually would would truly repent embrace the faith in the living and true God. I had hope. But your constant attack on His word has shown me otherwise.
Timothy | Homepage | 08.20.07 - 2:11 pm | #

OK. Seriously. Anyone who cares to join me in praying for Timothy et al., please do. I don't hate the man. I don't like him, either, but that's not the point.

Lord, I pray for peace for Timothy, his wife and chillum, his extended family and his church. Peace on 'em all, in Jesus's name. Amen.
I know many Presbyterians in different countries who would never ever talk like that.
What happened to these people? Is the PCA a strange sect that has mutated from the traditional Presbyterian church?
This is actually a serious question...
From Wikipedia, which splains a lot:

The origins of the PCA lie in a re-alignment of American Presbyterianism, which since the Civil War had generally been divided along North-South lines – the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (UPCUSA) and the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS), respectively. Movement towards a national merger (which eventually occurred in 1983) had begun to take shape by the early 1970s, and was accelerated by the decision of many dissident conservative congregations to withdraw from the PCUS.

In December 1973, delegates from 260 congregations (over half of them from Mississippi, Alabama, and South Carolina) that had left the PCUS gathered at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in suburban Birmingham, Ala., and organized the "National Presbyterian Church." After protests from a UPCUSA congregation of the same name[2] in Washington, D.C., the denomination adopted its present name in 1974.

According to the PCA's official website, it "separated from the PCUS in opposition to the long-developing theological liberalism which denied the deity of Jesus Christ and inerrancy and authority of Scripture." Additionally, the PCA espoused a complementarian interpretation of Scripture regarding the matter of women in church offices, excluding them from the offices of elder and deacon, whereas the PCUS had begun accepting the ordination of women over a decade earlier. According to PCUS author Rick Nutt, a less explicitly stated motive that was likely also influential in some quarters was the dissatisfaction with the PCUS's general opposition to the Vietnam War and support of the civil rights movement and the Equal Rights Amendment.[3]

ER here: I can't vouch for the accuracy of that. But I know some non PCA-Presbies, and I don't know that any of them deny the deity of Jesus. I think they'd cop to the rest of it, though.
Thanks, that does make things more clear.
Dad-gum bro this ain't no candy store!
Whoo-eee, I haven't heard that kinda of shit since me and David Greenburg got caught when we snuck into a "believers only service" at the National Mosque in D.C. during Eid back in 1966.

I love it, I truely do.

ER, you ole reprobate, just take your likin and keep on tickin. Ain't no room in this man's heart for your Jesus, or your search. He's got the truth and he has measured you against it.

I do love this so.

It is like seeing a new and clean snake just after it sheds its cloudy old skin. Whoo doggie, what a jar of venom you've milked from this one!

You do so love to tread in those dens of vipers don't you. Better tank up on some Sycamore fig tree sap (tears of Ashera), I understand that the priestess of Ashera used it to build up immunity to the viper's poison.

My, my, my, what clean cut damning....
E.R., ol' buddy, just be glad that Jesus loves you (and all God's other children) enough to march straight into Hell to save you. That's really the bottom line, isn't it? It matters not one jot what anyone else on earth says about the faith so long as you hang on to that one important truth. Poor Timothy and others who would consider themselves important enough to condemn you or anyone else is in for quite the surprise when they see who their heavenly roommates are.
Peace and Grace to Tim and his peeps! What he does with it is up to him.
What a great picture of you two! However, the decent thing to do would be to age just a little bit, just to make me feel a little better.

As for Tim and his lovely's really not worth discussing anymore. It just makes me sad for him and his family.

Crystal, isn't the shadow hiding the grayness of the beard?
Doc, I reckon the shadow and the angle of said photograph disguises a lot. So does the hat, which is kind of a hybrid chapeau, much like ER hissownself: It's got a touch of Larry Manhan and a touch of Ernest Hemingway.

Uh, that hat is a standard Bangora. Can't tell from the angle.
That hat is small-brimmed and has some Mexican style to it. It, combined with the beard, provides the Hemingwayesque feel to the photo.
Such a handsome man. . .

As for Tim and his wife, it seems they are to be pitied more than anything else. Such hatred and vitriol requires only compassion as a response. While I understand (I think) your desire to continue contact with an old friend, I do believe it best that you just allow his to be who he is now. His decision is made, and his heart and life are in God's hands.

I still say that only wise and profoundly intelligent people have beards.
It's a 3 1/2-inch brim, and the only Mexican influence id the American Hat Company, in San Antonio, is closer to Mexico than Oklahoma is. Feh. :-)

G: Jesus is assumed to have a beard. Notice the likeness? :-) Hey, if the Lord'd been walkin' from here to Lubbock and Amarillo, Texas, and back to Tulsa, he'da worn such a hat!
Grrr..blogger wouldn't let me post earlier, so I'm trying again..

Yes, Dr.Lobo, you could have something there. Between the hat, the dark glasses, the beard and the shadows, not to mention my own refusal to wear glasses, he could be hiding something. Then again, his handsome date for the evening is beardless and not wearing glasses, and he still bears an uncanny resemblence to someone I used to run with years ago.

Since I'm older than both of them, I guess I still to tend to see them as still wet behind the ears.

Yer both old farts compared to little ol' me! :-) Hee hee.
My God is wise enough and powerful enough to have the Bible written exactly as he wanted, and traslated many times exactly as he wanted. I read it, most I understand, some I don't. When I get to heaven the parts I didn't get will be clear to me.
God help anyone who doesn't take it as it stands.
Hey, Anon.

That may very be. But I'd sure hate to be accused of worshiping the Bible, which by definition is sullied with human thinking, rather than worshiping the God the Bible points to.

And, God help us all.
Anon, anon, anon, I know it is pointless to bother with this, but sometimes you just got to show people even if they can't see.... let us try one small example.
Try reading 2nd Samuel 24 and then read 1st Chronicles 21. Now you might note that they are the same story in the same Bible about the same King David taking the same census with the same outcomes of a plague. Right? But in one version it is God that tells David to take the census and in the other it is Satan. Let us not call it an error, but rather a diffugalty. Now in all simplicity, if the Bible is completely inerrent does that make God and Satan the same entity? No, of course not. Then what gives here?
Drolobo, I b'lieve thre Aon would tell you that he is let off the hook on that, because he doesn't understand it. Further, "When I get to heaven the parts I didn't get will be clear to me."

One wonders, tho, what the Anon does with confusing instructions on, say, how to assemble a book shelf. I wonder if he just puts it back in the box, waiting until heaven to have full knowledge asnd put it together? I doubt it.

Faith, people, is not the same thing as KNOWLEDGE!

And trusting that the Bible is pretty much THE best source for Christians to use to start to figure out what it means to be a Christian is NOT the same thing as swallowing it all whole, uncritically, and then covering one's lack of prayerful meditation by pleading ignorance.

'Cause we ALL see through a dark glass! The difference is some of us keep trying to look thought it anyway, and some abdicate the admonition to "work out their salvation."

(Note: I accept most of the epistles of Paul, and the epistle of James, as perhaps THE most authentic surviving writings from the earliest days of the faith. The important part isn't whether I accept them or not, however; the important part is that the best of CHRISTIAN scholarship accepts them as authentic. Which is not the same dang thing as infallible or inerrant. Just authentic. And authoritative! ... Dang it, my two typing fingers hurt.)
Yep, but isn't anon a little puzzeled when he puts a book shelf together and has six screws and two boards left over?
Oh, I guess he'll understand it after the book shelf falls.
But that is what you said, isn't it?
By the way the variation between those two chapters in the old testaments is part of the proof used by radical christian dualist from the first century forward that the old testament god is actually Satan and that is why Christ came to bring the real God to the world.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Check THIS out:
Just can't stay out of the candy store can you? I thought about posting there but didn't want to give up my e-mail address. To many doors can be opened with an e-mail address. Feel free to use the 2nd Samuel/1st Chronicles example anywhere you please.
Oh, the 4Simpsons site, so far, hasn't turned viscious. And the host seems reasonable. Timothy is exceptional.
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