Monday, July 09, 2007


'Freedom is stuck in reverse'

Wow. I was lookin' for a sad Merle Haggard video to post today, since Dr. ER has flown off again. And I stumbled across this. God bless Merle Haggard.

Real. Patriots. Think.

Merle Haggard: "America First."


"God bless the Army and God bless our liberty. Dadgum the rest of it all." -- The Hag.

Reckon Merle is ready to smoke a doobie and burn the flag yet? Now wouldn't that be a kick in the head.
Well. I'm sure he and Leona smoked a joint or two. I don't reckon he'd burn a flag any more than I would, tho.
I mean, this is where lib-con-neolib-neocon bullshit falls apart. This country has plumb derailed. It ain't gone too far left OR right. It's off track.
America reminds me of the scene in "Wind in the Willows" where Mr. Toad is driving a steam locomotive down a London street without benifit of tracks at all.

So you don't burn flags? How do you get rid of your old ones? As a Cub Scout back in the old world we were taught how to burn an American flag as the proper way to dispose of them.

You know I saw some America flag material in the sewing section of Wal-Mart being used as a table cloth.
You know in the Army I stood "Retreat" every afternoon at 5 P.M. as the flags were taken down for the night. So how about these dufass car dealers, storage unit owners, and others who let the their American flags fly all night in total disrespect, thinking all the while that they are being patriotic for doing it.
Hey, Iknow how to properly dispose of a flag.

Yer right about the dufasses. I counted 40 flags within a mile of my house once and every single one of them was ragged and past its service time, and ready for disposal. Except maybe the fire station, but I think even it was in sorry shape.
God bless Merle Haggard...
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