Friday, June 22, 2007


Work is getting in the way of my blogging!

Y'all all are just gonna have to talk amongst yourselves.


Hmmm, now we can talk about ER behind his back. ;)
Did you know ER used to conduct lab experiments at his desk?

Trixie knows.
Heh, I think he's better about washing mugs these days. I want to know what work is getting in the way; must be good. I read an interesting blurb today that would be fun to gossip with him about.
Ah well, here's to a bit of anonymity.
Gossip WITH him, or ABOUT him?? ;)
Gah! 6 p.m.! Leaving work. Starved. Need meat. Need drink.

Y'all just keep whuppin' on a man in such a weakened state! Shame! Shame! :-)
I think he's got his priorities all messed up. Work should never interfere with blogging. In fact, work should just sit and wait.
About work:
Never do today what you can delgate tomarrow.
Never delegate tomarrow what you can delegate today.
Correction: Needed catfish, and four drinks (two 'tinis, one Red Stripe, one Bush Mills rocks, one Woop Woop shiraz. (With food, over three hours, and I weigh 275, and am 6'4").

Full. Worn plumb out now.

'Night now. :-)
I'll be damned. I guess that's five.

Zzzzzzz .....
Maybe that 275:6'4" ain't quite the best ratio if'n you cain't do simple 'rithmetic. ;)
I'm guessin' simple math ain't so simple after four or five drinks.
You know, I did an INCREDIBLE amount of timeses and gasentas yesterday afternoon and evening, on deadline. I think I used up all my arithmetical gumption for the day.
Was that "timeses" harassment victims guzeinta "settlement"? ROFL!!
Ha. No, had to do with a certain kind of fraud.
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