Saturday, May 26, 2007



This is just a riot:

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Found here:

Rally for Reason.

Which is a reaction to this:

Creation Museum.

Which I found here:

BlondeSense: Do Not Bite the Hand that Created You, from whom I swiped the photo of dinosaurs present at the Last Supper.

So many hoots! So little time!


When I read about the creation museum I find myself of two minds.
My first thought is along the lines of are they out of their fracking minds? My second thought is I wonder how long before this fails and is closed down.

In my time as a higher education person I have wandered over the bones of several "Christian" colleges and universities. Most died soon after their founders died. Some of them were falling apart even before their founders passed on. There is a tendancy for these entities to be built cheaply, all bling and little long term design and endowment

I have watched hospitals, law schools, etc. dry up and blow away when their donors found their founders in a picadillo of one sort or another.

The creation museum, will it flash with lots of fundamentalist coming at first and then fade away? Will become the Smithsonian of Kaintuck?

Ridicule is probably the best response to these things. A good joke can errode the foundations of even the well built fantasy. A excellently conceived deragatory nickname can sink self rightgiousness faster than a torpedo.

I think John Goodman showing up for the opening in his Fred Flintstone costume would be just the thing to start the ridicule.
My Old Kentucky Home making me proud once more!

Y'know, I have to admit, I'm intrigued.

We haven't planned our summer vacation yet...
This may be the finest Australian science museum in America. I am just dissapointed that it is Kentucky and not in Oklahoma where I could visit it and take pictures.
I doubt that I can talk Fatman into going there to see this.
It reminds me of the dinosaurs at Cabazon, California.
There was a Creationism Museum in Shamrock, OK a few years back. I think it has closed since, though. It was , um, interesting to say the least. The guy who ran it was convinced that dinosaurs lived with humans here in Oklahoma before they were all wiped out in The Great Flood. I have to say that I spent a day with him showing me "fossils" and other "evidence" out in the long-forgotten oil fields. He could have killed me and my body would never have been found.
What's galling is the money that went to "create" this nonsense.
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