Thursday, May 24, 2007


Shark Jesus

What else?


In the interest of balanced and fair reporting: The rest of the story
Was there a shark John the Baptist, taking believers to the surface to "dry" them in anticipation of the coming Messiah? Did this shark prophet eat nothing but kelp? With the desire for shark fin soup driving large species to extinction, one wonders how he could be crucified . . .
Just questions.
Good luck with the Mountain Cabin hunt. Beware bears and Jeremiah Johnson. And the Denver Broncos.
I don't believe it. What good can come out of Nebraska?
AND IN THOSE DAYS, it was said that a bright light led the first witnesses to the humble birth scene, where a BBC reporter, Harold Angel, announced the news to the world:

The Fincarnation.
"I dry thee in the name of the father, and of the son" ... and you pick them up out of the water each time.
Amazing simularities:

HAMMERhead shark -- carpenter.
Debate soon erupted among the shark's disciples -- his school, if you will -- over whether the baby shark was meant to save all species of hammerheads, or just his own kind.
It would be generations before the meaning of the miracle was understood to extend to all the fishes of the seas.
Yea and verily, the disciples were amazed to see him swim on the air.
As with most so-called "miracles," this is all a hoax:

She's no virgin, say friends of 'miracle' shark

Just like the Sharkskin of Turin. *shakes head*
SW, Trixie beat you to it, way up there!


Must you put your fingers in his gills yourself to believe??
Then there was the time he fed thousands with a few loaves and ...
... fingers! A few loaves and steak fingers, and had 12 DQ baskets left over.

"Big deal, so Hammerheads can reproduce without sex. Why would you want to?"
--- Tiger Shark Spokesperson
The Vatican has sent their Devil's Advocate to Nebraska to investigate. However as he entered the tank a shark bit off his foot. Which one he was asked? "I Don't know," he said," All sharks look the same to me."
The Vatican representative was accompanied by a lawyer from the church. When asked why he was not attacked. He just shook his head and said, I guess it was just proffessional courtesy.
Not even finding the Holy Remoras would make me believe.
The Vatican represenative when interviewed at the hospital was asked about how he felt about being attacked. Well he said, looking to where his leg should have been, at least he didn't get the best of me.
The ACLU has file a brief in Federal Court to prohibit the display of aquarimums if funded with public funds. A bill in the U.S. Senate has been filed to limit any court action on aquariums to those specifically containing sharks.
President Bush, says that this attack on sharks is a Democrat feeding frenzy.
Baby shark eaten by large male shark in the tank with it. According to Rev. Dobson It was the Zionist trying to keep the "second coming" from being fulfilled. Asked how he knew it was a Zionist plot. He replied what else could it have been, it was a lone shark that did it.

OKOK, I Fin-ished
Y'all are cracking me up!

Though this does give new meaning to the phrase "to swim with the fishes".
Shark, the Herald angels sing..
One of those comments really sucks. :-)
And he said, "Take, eat, this is ... fish. This do in rememberance of me."
Does your church use sacramental tartar sauce?
Sacramental brine!
This is news with a bite.
I does have a hook.
Was it truely an immackeral conception?
Dr. ER how about,
Shark! the Herring and Angle fish sing!
The Tooth will set you free.
"Follow me and I will make you fishers of ... fish."
AND THE baby shark saw his reflection in the glass side of the tank and said, "Holy Mackeral! I mean, shark! Holy Shark!"
He was born in a tank, because there was no room in the live well.
The young shark is a direct decendent from the King of the Jaws.

The young shark IS the King of the Jaws.

The Son of Cod.
One of his disciples was Salmon Peter.
Or did he descend from a monkfish?
OH STOP!!! I can't laugh any more! My sides are hurting from the last several in particular!!!
Then, there was the Parable of the Ten Sturgeons ...
"So then faith cometh by herring, and herring by the word of cod."
"Where is he that is born King of the Jaws? for we have seen his gar in the east, and are come to worship him."
Come on ER, just 6 more and you got your fabulous 50. I would have used Star Fish in the East however.
Let he who is without fin cast the first stone.
Whereas I was blind, now I ... sea.
As King of the Jaws, he decended from those who once sojourned in the Land of Ocean.

(Goshen -- it's a stretch)
Centuries later, one who famously preached his story in England was named John Gill.
"I am the Alpha-linolenic acid and Omega-3 fatty acids."
Many centuries later, a follower penned the wonderful old hymn:

"A Passion for Soles."

I once was lost but now I'm flounder.

Who doesn't love the old hymn, "Leaning on the Everlasting Prawns"?
54, and this one wins.


Oh yes, and what did Jesus Shark say while cruising along the swimming beaches of the Sea of Galilee?
"Let the little children come unto me."
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