Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Ron (a)Paul(s) GOP faithful

Worth repeating: “We’ve had an interventionist foreign policy for 50 years that has come back to haunt us.” -- Ron Paul, GOP candidate for president.

Read all about it, from the National Review Online.


Ron Paul was a little short on his condemnation of American policy in the Middle East. He only back dates it for 50 years, but it goes back to WWI and Wilson's abdecation to Brittan et. al. in the formation of the Middle Eastern boundaries during the break up of the Ottoman Empire.
Like most history, it is a long series of cumulative events. In general he is absolutly correct. They are over here because we are over there. We are stinky-arrogant- loud- profain- corrupt -infidels to those in Saudia Arabia. They hate us because they have needed us, i.e. our technology, our money, our protection. Thus besides being infidels, we are infidels in their country dirtying up their way of life. Our stench even hovers over their sacred city of Mecca. Hell, we even, blasphemosusly, let women be warriors in our vile society. Worse even we let these dirty menstrurating whores drive trucks on their male only roads.
Paul did not say America caused 9-11 Jerry Farwell was the one that said that), he said they did 9-11 because we are over there. The other duds on the stage were playing demagog when they attacked him. Yes, they attacked us because they hate us. They hate us because they have compromised themselves by letting us be there. They came here because we went there for cheap oil, and they welcomed us for our money and the power it gave them.
Yes, they hate us almost as much as they loath themselves for tolerating our presences.
Why did Indians attack wagon trains?

Because they were fricking THERE.

Man, just imagine if Red Cloud had had IEDs. He'd've used 'em -- for the same reason:

This country keeps taking resources away from other peoples and claiming it as part of God's blessing.

The taking part is heavy-handed geopolitics, which, maybe, *is* imperialism by another name. Whatever.

But crediting God for it is sacrilege.
"Giuliani scored some of the best, if easiest, points of the night", indeed.
Ted Olson too was doing the classic sidestep of the 'I had a loved one who died, so you're wrong' variety.

Ron Paul (who I thought was actually a Libertarian, by the way) was recently made to look a fool on Bill Mahre's show because he pointed out that the Civil War was basically unnecessary. He made some good points, not that you could really hear 'em, for all the shouting.
I think the next pair of Republican and Democratic Candidate debates need to be held in the Green Zone in Bagdad and hosted by Al Jazera TV. That would give all a little "over there time" and the world wide exposure would be fabulous!
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