Thursday, May 17, 2007


Political compass check!

I recalibrate my thinking constantly, so once in awhile I recheck my political-economic orientation using the Political Compass.

This is me today:

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.36

In other words, more than halfway from the center to the left end of the scale on economics, which sounds about right. I drift left as I grow older and see more.

And a little more libertarian than authoritarian, which makes sense to me too, being generally live-and-let-live when it comes to personal behavior and morals.

Me and Nelson Mandela could hang out.

Take the test. Report the result in the comments, and look at the example and tell us which political figure you're closest to!


Your political compass:

Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.90

A tad on the rebellious side, but still adequately John Spruce, I trust.
Economic Left/Right: -6.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.05

I guess that makes me fairly thoroughly a Leftist, as well as a Downist?

Where was the political figure you're closest to identified? I missed that.

Although, I did see on their sample chart I was closer to Gandhi, who was the only one listed in that corner.
As always, I find it difficult to answer the given question. For instance, "A woman can have a job but her primary role should be home-maker"

The statement repulses the feminist in me and I would strongly disagree, but then, in reality, I think ALL of our primary role ought to be home-makers. That is what people should be about - making a home and a community.

So, strictly speaking, I would answer a Strong Yes, but instead - because of the oppressive sound of the question - I answered a Soft No.

I reckon that's the way these tests go, though.
economic: -8.63
social: -7.08

I'm rather surprised those aren't reversed, actually, as I think of myself as a little less liberal economically than socially. Who knew.
Dan, I'm with you on that question. Every adult in any home should be a homemaker first.
Economic Left/Right: -5.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.46

Ghandi is the only one in that corner of the chart.
Sorry, not Ghandi. The Dali Lama is in that corner. My bad.

Dan, your instincts are correct about the wording of that question. It was clearly leading to the stance "A Woman's Place is in the Home." Which, despite the fact that I think every woman and man should have that choice to stay home or not, I rebel against the idea that just because I'm a woman who may someday be a mother I should have to shelve my career. Marriage and family are team enterprises, both partners need to be equally involved.
Another interesting note...I don't think I'm nearly as communist as that rating would imply. I certainly don't want state ownership of stuff (which I suppose would be socialist). I think private ownership of things is probably the best way we can manage our affairs morally.

However, because I'm so anti-corporation - I trust corporations even less than I do gov't - that's probably why I show up so far to the Left.
Private ownership. Collective labor. Regulated.

I'm a lib, not a lefty.

FDR saved capitalism from itself.
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -6.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.41
Now wait a minute, doesn't say in the question be a "mommy" first, it mentions the home making. And ER and I, along with millions of others, don't have the choice to be a home maker first. I've always been a mommy first, but work comes before vacuuming because it wears you out and what time you have left, you gotta give to the kids! That wasn't a hard question at all for me.
Wow. We're all in that bottom lefthand corner. You need more diversity in your readership, ER...
Except for Kiki all you guys is Right Winged Facisist.

Economic Left/Right: -8:50
Social Libertarian/ Authorian: -7.08

Actually, I felt guilty about some of my answers as being too conservative as I took the test. I have one picking bone with the test. It should have a third dimension of Religion.
Damn TS, as close to the center as you are, maybe you need to be the President of the John Spruce Society. I am obviously too far out. Say the word and I will turn over the memembership list and all communications. Even E.R. is more central.
Left of Ghandi? Damn near an anarchist. I would love to have a certificate. But shit $9, thats a +8/+8 price.
Your political compass

Economic Left/Right:

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian:

Economic Left/Right: -6.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.41

Hey, I was afraid I might be the leftist lefty commenter. Phew! I'm hanging out with dan t. and the Dalai Lama.
Well, are y'all all a bunch of dadgum lefties! :-)
Even Crystal is a little left of center! I knew it. ;-)
Just a little! :)

Economic Left/Right: -4.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.21

I'm with Gandhi and the Dalai Lama, so I feel like I'm in pretty good company, especially compared to some of the other names on that chart!
economic -5.38
social -5.23

no surprises there, but good resource to know about.
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