Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Might could've been the pickled okra, barbecued chicken, butter sweet peas & sweet tater with cinnamon & marshmallows I had for supper late last night

But, OK, last night I dreamed I was in a very busy hotel, or some kind of public space in an office building, the kind with a big atrium, and somehow I had become separated from almost all of my clothes.

I'm sitting on the floor in a dark corner trying my best to stay unseen, and keep my parts hidden, but people keep coming up and talking to me.

An older guy who I worked with at a paper in Texas -- a sports reporter, then business reporter, now a semiretired part-time PR guy for the local university -- comes up and says, "Hey, ER! Long time no see!" I say, "Yeah, and of all times. Sorry, I'm nekkid." We shake hands, we laugh and he goes on.

Then a guy from work comes by with a small entourage. He was handling a politician of some kind; for some reason I know he's from Tulsa. The politician spies me and start over, and the guy I know from work says to him, "Don't bother. He won't write anything about you. He doesn't give a s--t." I say, "That's a little harsh, but that's right." The guy from work (3 Desks Down, who comments here once in awhile), laughs and leads the group off.

Finally, I tire of crouching and I stand and realize I've had a sport coat with me. I position it the best I can and muster a shred of dignity and walk into a crowd of people, asking, "Where is the elevator?" I know that the elevator will take me directly to my hotel room, which I also know is in another room in a multi-building complex.

A long walk away, way past where all the people are, is the elevator, and it appears to be in a lonesome hallway on the top floor of the Student Union at Oklahoma State. I get on the elevator and push a button.

The elevator car starts moving horizontally, the walls fall away and I'll be damned if the thing doesn't turn into a actual roller-coaster, and the ups and downs, the ascents and plunges feel as real in the dream as they would in the the real world.

It swoops down to a food mart, then climbs up to near the ceiling of the atrium, then swoops down and up and few more times as it leaves the building and goes into another one and comes to an abrupt halt -- and I wake up shaken but laughing.


Oh my gosh! You're stealing my nightmares now! I have a LOT of dreams of being, as you say, separated from my clothes in huge public places. And no one ever seems to notice or say anything, but there's still that embarrassment until you realize no one seems to notice or say anything!

And I cannot believe someone else has the "horizontal elevator" dream! I woke up from that one thinking "I need to invent this!" Mine was kind of like the moving walkways at airports, except you line up near the wall and the thing just takes off like a bolt of lightning. You knew when it was going to leave because these "beam me up Scotty" lights would start shining above everyone as take-off approached.

Sadly, I don't recall the culinary experience that might have contributed to that dream.
You are actually a simple dreamer.

Neked Dreams:

"Nudity also symbolizes being caught off guard. Finding yourself naked at work or in a classroom, suggests that you are unprepared for a project at work or school. You may be uninformed in making a well-formed decision. With all eyes on you, you have this fear of having some deed brought to public attention. You fear that people will see through your true self and you will be exposed as a fraud or a phony.

Many times, when you realize that you are naked in your dream, no one else seems to notice. Everyone else in the dream is going about their business without giving a second look at your nakedness. This implies that your fears are unfounded; no one will notice except you. You may be magnifying the situation and making an issue of nothing."


"To see a hotel in your dream, signifies a new state of mind or a shift in personal identity. You need to move away from your old habits and old way of thinking. Or you feel the need to temporarily escape from your daily life."

Up and down lateral elevator: a.k.a. Roller Coaster:

"To dream that you are riding a roller coaster, signifies that you are experiencing erratic behavior brought on by yourself or a situation. You are experiencing frequent ups and downs in your waking life."

Source: http://www.dreammoods.com/
Well, I thought this one was pretty clear. That's one reason I woke up laughing. :-) ... And I went back to sleep with a little more resolve to make it work, make it happen, whatever the hell "it" turns out to be.
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