Tuesday, May 01, 2007


G.W.O.T. is B.S., etc.

I stand accused of being simple-minded because 1., I slap George W. Bush around regularly, 2., I think the war in Iraq, while it has resulted in some good, has resulted in much more bad and was started on rank stupidity if not outright lies; and 3., I rail against the Global War on Terror as the kind of rhetoric that does more harm than good.

1. It is my constitutional right, and obligation, to badmouth what I consider a bad president.

2. The war in Afghanistan is justified, and now wrongly neglected because of the war in Iraq, which was not -- but we're stuck with it, and stuck with finding a way to finish it -- a "win" is too damned much to define, let alone expect -- with some semblance of honor. God help us. Here's one idea, picked up from my blog friend Dan Trabue.

3. Let us count the "wars." "War on Poverty." Didn't win that one. "War on Drugs." Nope, no win there. "Global War on Terror." Unwinnable, unlosable, undefinable, the kind of ill-conceived idea that wears us out as a people, wastes our treasure, distracts us from real things and makes us look like we're still punch-drunk after 9/11, which maybe some of us are but I'm not anymore. Go here to read, in the comments, some of my other thoughts on that. Warning: You'll have to step over quite a bit of BS in those comments.

Think I'm off? Turn off the damned talk radio, put down whatever rag you're reading that still dares to call itself a "news"paper and read some real analysis:

By rushing into Iraq instead of finishing off the hunt for Osama bin Laden, Washington has unwittingly helped its enemies: al Qaeda has more bases, more partners, and more followers today than it did on the eve of 9/11. Now the group is working to set up networks in the Middle East and Africa -- and may even try to lure the United States into a war with Iran. Washington must focus on attacking al Qaeda's leaders and ideas and altering the local conditions in which they thrive.

Read all of "Al Qaeda Strikes Back" in Foreign Affairs.

And this:

The rift between U.S. military and civilian leaders did not start with George W. Bush, but his administration's meddling and disregard for military expertise have made it worse. The new defense secretary must restore a division of labor that gives soldiers authority over tactics and civilians authority over strategy -- or risk discrediting civilian control of the military even further.

Read all of "Bush and the Generals" in Foreign Affairs.

I'm not sure if the links will let y'all read all of the articles. I subscribe to Foreign Affairs and read the hard copy. If you can't, spend $8 or whatever it costs and go buy the damn thing at Barnes & Noble or wherever.

Then come back here and tell me I'm fricking uninformed. We might still disagree, but you'll know that I'm not as full as s--t as you think I am.

And yes, I might have one particular person in mind who jumped ugly on me unprovoked in the RW a few days ago. But reading some thoughty thoughts won't hurt anybody else either.


simple is as simple does
My point exactly.
I am ashamed of my President. I am appalled by my Congress. I am horrified at what we have done in the name of justice at Gauntanamo and in the secret CIA prisons around the world. I am sickned by the sleezy putrid commentary by the likes of Sean Hannity, Dobson, Lindbaugh, and other irresponsible self serving blow hards. I am disheartened by the needless waisting of our military. I am devistated by the dis-honor of my President and his mendicants. I am really pissed off that the Democrats can't do what they need to do to recover this government.
I am freaked out that they have no balls. I think my President and my Vice President need to be called to Congress and Impeached. I think a Special Prosecutor needs to be impaneled to investigate each and every major corporation involved in the profit of this War.
Waiting till the next election will not work. It is past time for retribution. It is time for Justice. It is time to pay the piper, the dance has gone on too long with out personal cost to those who call the tune.

Boy, that felt good!
Let it out, man.
Dr. ER offers tongue-in-cheek solution to illegal immigration:

I am surprised and pleased to get into the comments here! Usually, I can only read the top part of a post, and cannot scroll down past what will fit on a screen. This is the only site that acts like that in my experience. Oh well, I am glad to be able to say HI and I am now going to go read Dr. Lobojo's blog.
Justice is maybe not swift, but it is eventual. I honestly believe Bush will not finish his term, either because he resigns or because he is impeached and then convicted and removed from office (in a two-fer, with Cheney going down in flames as well). He is like a dinosaur, too stupid to know he is already politically dead.
And on a totally different note...let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday!
Well, let me add: and a Democratic Party so lacking in integrity and imagination that its initial front-runner is the wife of the last Democratic President, who was herself on the wrong side of the Iraq War until it became safe to be against it; who pandered to the flag-worshippers; who thinks that we want to see her husband, famed for last minute sleazy pardons and shameless, characterless lying until nabbed by DNA evidence like any common criminal, welcomed back into public life as an "ambassador." Go ahead, donkeys - make me sit out another election.

Man, that did not feel good.
This is weird. No matter where I turn - from so-called "liberal" blogs populated by Not-Republicans probably a few honest-to-goodness Dems, to my own church populated by the same, to my friends of the same persuasion, I hear of NO ONE who supports Hillary.

To be fair, let me adapt that to say, I hear from maybe one in a hundred that support Hillary with the other 99 mostly being hotly opposed to her.

And that's amongst the so-called liberals! WHO supports this Clinton candidacy?

I'm beginning to think that all the apparent support must be coming from Republicans who figure the Dems running Hillary is their best chance of competing at all in 2008.

Seriously, in the paths you travel, do y'all meet people who excitedly support Hillary?
Let me add a second and perhpas more relevant question to Dan's informal poll:

Would those of you unexcited but normally inclined to support a Democrat in this election to willing to vote for her against the likely range of Republican nominees?
We don't always get right and wrong choices in life. Some times we get hard choices between something good and something else good. In American politics, however, it is usually between contending bad choices. There are no Republicans running that would get my vote over Hillary Clinton. I would love to have a reasonable Democratic candidate like Bill Richardson as President. But compared to the Republican field, I'll take Hillary Clinton if I have to.

Wouldn't it be great if we had a real Republic and a real Democratic running at the same time. But now there is only one bird that is flying. It has one democratic wing and one republican wing. One bird, two wings beating in different directions causing it to fly in circles.
I personally know not a soul in my personal life who is excitedly in favor of Hillary for president -- although I'm positive some people at my church support her -- but, hey, in Oklahoma, outside tiny liberal circles, the mention of Hillary evokes outright hostility.

Myself: Bill Richardson is my choice, Joe Biden is my second choice, and then I'll vote for any yellow dog the Dems come up with over any Republican.
Thanks, Anon, for the bitrthday greeting. Today is the 14th anniversary of my 29th birthday. :-)
Well, that's two for HC if it should come to that - my hanging chad will be for one of the minor candidates. Of course I'm not a Democrat, let alone a yellow dog one - just one of those precious swing voters.
Two votes for Hillary as a last resort...but I still want to know WHO in the world is actively supporting this woman?

Myself, I'd probably vote Third Party over Hillary.
So what good has come from the war in Iraq? Besides Exxon and Halliburton stock holders of course.
Well, I'd have to say that one tyrant removed, in Saddam, is a good thing by definition -- although the utter chaos that has ensued with the lid off makes the point debatable.
Sort of like trading one deamon for seven don't cha think?
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