Saturday, April 07, 2007


Presenting ... Fourth Grade-ipedia

Good for Saturday chuckles!

Conservapedia, apparently once described, until somebody thought better of it:

Conservapedia is a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American. On Wikipedia, many of the dates are provided in the anti-Christian "C.E." instead of "A.D.", which Conservapedia uses.

Appropriate ridicule.

As seen at The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Hat tip to No Nym, guest blogger at Bitch, Ph.D.


Entry from "conservapediment":

In 2005 the White House selected Tony Snow from Fox News to be the new White House press secretary which was a great honor for Fox because it showed how well it was presenting the real truth instead of the fake liberal version.

Funny. Surely this is a joke?

I'll have to
This IS funny.

For a sampling:

there is no entry for Peak Oil.
Holy crap. That Jimmy Carter hatchet job pisses me off. Might as well call it Aggressively Ignorantipedia. Bullshitipedia. Propagandipedia. Something like that.

I'm working today. I b'lieve I'll pass on the other "areticles" right now, lest I get so mad I can't see, which makes it hard to read and write.
In re the previous thread, and my contention that it is the right wing that is more likely to do violence, please go to:
and you may surprised at the four pages of cases from the ten years between Oklahoma City and 2005 - all of them involving fringe right-wing groups.
I had heard of Conservapedia, but today was my first, and most likely last, visit. As I have said before, my tolerance for this kind of thing is thin at best. "Bullshitopedia" indeed.
Says page not found.
I found this, um, jewel: "The John Birch Society is an anti-Communist, anti-Illuminati, pro-Christian, patriotic American organization......"
Hey, GP, I just bought some predeviled eggs at the Albertson's. They came with Original Sin. Ahahahahahaha!

Ooh! The "Moses, Moses" movie is coming on. Wonder if Wackipedia has an article on Charlton Heston?
In the Rush Limbaugh category, it gives the basics and concludes with:

In 2007, Mark R. Levin of the Landmark Legal Foundation issued a press release giving the text of a letter from the Foundation to the Chairman of the Nobel Institute. The letter "submits the name of Rush Limbaugh as an unsolicited nomination for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize" for his "tireless efforts to promote liberty, equality and opportunity for all mankind, regardless of race, creed, economic stratum or national origin."

Seriously, ER. Just view it as comedy. It's sooo funny that way.

It's even funnier that the "conservatives" visiting the site would totally miss the humor.
Holy shit! There's no entry for Sally Hemings, Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dorothy Day... they got something against women?

Or history?
OK, so I went to splcenter and tried to find it, and it's not there. I can't remember where I found the original link, but if you go to and look around under "Intelligence Reports", I think you will figure out what point I was trying to make. Anyway, Happy Easter, man. The Lord is Risen!
"The Lord Has Risen!"
Yes, and ascended too.
Sometimes I wonder if He just needed to get out of here.
seen this discussion on other blogs. my take? it's got to be satire. i've seen satirical blogs where the blogger fully commits to a persona that contrasts his own perspectives. con-pedia has got to be in that vein. it's too obtuse....

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