Monday, April 02, 2007


'The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people' -- President Woodrow Wilson

"Politics ends where the water begins" is like that old adage, "Cleanliness is next Godliness," which many people think is in the Bible.

It's not true and it never has been true -- not from the American Revolution on.

We should speak with one voice when we are speaking with one voice. When we're at each other's throats over important issues, then what we see should be what they get.

It's that whole democracy thing. Refracted through the whole republican form of government thing. And, you know, the truth thing.

Diplomacy is the opposite of shootin' first and askin' questions later -- which is why President George W. "Doc the Haywood" Bush can't stand it -- or Nancy Pelosi.

Republican senators, congressman, mayors, dogcatchers and interns, however, are welcome to freelance all they want.


By Ivan Eland

President Bush has scolded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for visiting Syria. In the president’s opinion, shared by others, the U.S. government should speak with just one voice overseas. Yet that view flies in the face of both the text and the spirit of the Constitution.

Read it all.

(Tip o' the cowboy hat to DCup at PoliTits, for bringin' the latest Bush hypocrisy to my attention.)

That's a great piece by Dr. Eland.

What complaint is up next from the Administration about Ms. Pelosi's trip? Will they be griping about the food served on the plane? Too much toilet paper used during the trip?

Maybe not. That Nancy Pelosi = prima donna didn't have much impact last time. But you never know....

Thanks for the link!
"W" should remember that the Congress was created in Article I of the Constitution and the Presidency in Article II.
The presidency does need to be brought down to size -- and this Congress is the one to do it.

The Dems, scarcely able to believe they're in power again, scarcely able to believe the Murkan people are coming around on the war in Iraq, are tiptoeing. They'll be walking by summer.

I just hope they don't break into a run. A strong, steady gait to impeachment is all I ask.
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