Monday, April 30, 2007


Brad Henry, Brad Henry, with a veto hammer in his hand, does right by the common man

Score one, a big one, for the little guy, at least for now ...

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- Gov. Brad Henry on Saturday vetoed a sweeping civil justice measure that would have changed the way negligence and medical malpractice lawsuits are filed and litigated in state courts.

Read all about it.


Of Course the big money rip off in the bill was the mineral right owners would have "opt in" on any class action thereby giving the oil companies the upper hand in any suit, simply because they would be the only real sources of who should be in the suit. Having just gone through one of these on my mother-in-laws estate, I can testify to the fact that ignorance of who owns what, where, and when is on their side. There would simply be billions of dollars of .000345% oil rights scooped up by the oild company lawyers. Proabably as many as a million Okies would find their mineral rights just evaporating over the next several decades. Bird, for example, would never see you piddeling oil money.
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