Monday, March 26, 2007


Not your usual plastic Jesus

By Barbara Brown Taylor

Jesus is terrible at meeting people's expectations of him. He engages the sorts of people he should ignore and ignores the sorts of people he should engage. He accepts the wrong dinner invitations. He is rude to respected religious leaders. He scolds his own disciples, while he praises the faith of a Roman soldier. All in all, this is not a man you want teaching the first-grade Sunday school class (although he is crazy about children). He is impossible to manage. He will not stay in role. Every time his handlers think they have him handled, he vanishes from their midst. ...

Read all about it from The Christian Century.

(Original lyrics to "Plastic Jesus" here.)



She's great. Very thought provoking.
One of my current "projects" is a Jesus box or cabinet. I've collected about half of what I need to make it. You have added an new element with the lyrics of the plastic jesus. They will go well behind behind my auto christ (a plastic jesus in a low rider) in one corner. Thanks!
My own plastic Jesus nightlight is here in my home office poking up out of an official United States Congress coffee mug I bought at the Capitol when I was an intern back in the day and learning why Republicans are not to be trusted with anything ever.

Irony there: The yahoo I worked for, his weekly staff meetings were actual prayer meetings, asking for a balanced-budget amendment, and other policies, in Jesus's name. Made me want to throw up then, makes me want to throw up now. Seeds of Focus on Everything but the Family.
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