Tuesday, October 10, 2006


'Kill your neighbor'


I can't believe it. Well, actually, I can, but wow. The link below was changed after I linked to it, and after I told the author, a pastor, I had done so with a negative comment. Either the author realized how hateful he was being, which I doubt, or he lacks the backbone to stand up for what he wrote. Whatever. Wow.


Can y'all believe this came from an alleged "man of God," the pastor of a Christian church? I honestly wonder what Christ he professes.

"Had they had the guns, we would all be speaking Chocktaw, or some other form of Indian language instead of English. All that is just the nature of the world we live in. What I'm tired of is the liberals who don't get over it. The Indians have plenty of opportunities in this country, as many as we do. So let us celebrate what the Italian fella did back in 1492. Yes, atrocities soon followed... to be joined with the atrocities that were already here. Despite all the atrocities, we still live in a country that is blessed and great. I don't think we have any reason for feeling guilty at all."

-- Pastor Timothy

Read it all.


So, he's saying that if the Choctaws had had guns, the Europeans would have lost? That's outrageous! Besides, didn't the Indians eventually get guns? Can't see that it made much difference. What a silly pastor.

You know, the specifics of what he wrote are debatable. The heartlessness with which he writes is what galls. He's silly, but for a pastor, he's sinister, too, IMHO.
He's dishonest, as well. Last night, I told him I had linked to it, with a negative comment -- and he has changed the post! What a ... what's a non-ugly word for chickens--t? I wonder if his elders really know what they have at their pulpit.
Complete fluke, but I happens to have the complete text of what Timothy originally wrote. (I'd downsized his blog last night, and since the page hadn't been updated when I opend it this morning, there it all was, in it's angry, hateful biliousness:

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Columbus Day Rant!

OK, I'm getting tired of the constant drumbeat by liberals that I, a white, European descendant, should feel guilty about my country and about being, white, and of European descent. Yesterday was Columbus Day, and of course, our paper, The Aiken Sub-Standard, had to run a piece by some liberal journalist about how our country wiped some 10 million Indians off the map because we are brutal imperialists. I would link to the page, but then I would have to sign in and I don't want to. I would also like to see some census data that there were actually 10 million Indians killed by this country.

The idea of the entire piece is that we should feel bad about who we are because of what we did to the Indians. For the record, I have just enough Indian blood in me to say I have Indian blood in me, and I don't really care. That doesn't make it OK to say what I'm about to say. What makes it OK, is the constant drumbeat of guilt used by the left to make us feel like we should always walk around with our heads hung low. No! Not anymore. I didn't, nor my family, massacre any Indians. Yes, the government of this country did do that. But I don't hear any of these liberals pounding the drumbeat home of how we are massacring millions of unborn children in our country. Where is the drumbeat for that, and we ARE doing that NOW!

The point of all this is, it's time to let bygones be bygones. Yes, we did give the Indians a bunch of money back in the 1970s for all our broken treaties. That was called Indian money, and it was to pay the debt that this country did to all those tribes. I know this first hand because my step-mother had enough Indian in her that she was able to take that money and buy a brand-new dinning room table. Every Thanksgiving, our family celebrates Thanksgiving by eating turkey off that table that she bought.

As for Columbus... He was Italian... sent by a bunch of Spaniards... As for the Indians themselves, let's put this notion aside that they were peaceful bunch of people living in harmony out on the plains. They killed one another off just as much as the Europeans killed them off. Had they had the guns, we would all be speaking Chocktaw, or some other form of Indian language instead of English. All that is just the nature of the world we live in. What I'm tired of is the liberals who don't get over it. The Indians have plenty of opportunities in this country, as many as we do. So let us celebrate what the Italian fella did back in 1492. Yes, atrocities soon followed... to be joined with the atrocities that were already here. Despite all the atrocities, we still live in a country that is blessed and great. I don't think we have any reason for feeling guilty at all. I believe that this country would be much better if liberals would quit playing the guilt/race/rich vs. poor card and get on with making the world truly a better place. Yes, America has her faults. But I wouldn't want to live in any other country in the world. God bless America!

posted by Timothy @ Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Oh my. Ohhhhh my.

Walk away from the battle, E.R., and realize that the statements are based in such ignorance that they cannot have merit. Not only were they written with a heart as hard as stone, but it's obvious someone slept through history class more than once and has no clue about the cultures that existed here before 1492. You simply can't have meaningful dialog in a case like this.
I can't tell you how relieved I am that he is a "former" pastor.
My mistake. When I first visited the link, in his profile I read "Reformed" Presbyterian Pastor as "former". I am sorry that such a creepwad is actively ministering to people. I can only hope he has a congregation of one.
No battle. No attempt at dialog.

I'm just presenting it to hold it up to examination, with the requisite "WTH?" -- and maybe, with a faint glimmer of hope that he'll see that his SELF seems to be gettin' in the way of his Jesus.

Not that it doesn't happen to me from time to time. But, gah! Almost everything he rights is full of spite and hate. I juss don't get it.

Off to do errands. I have 15 separate ones on a list!

Hey, ya'll keep the riffraff ... HONEST! while I'm away. :-)
Brief visit.

I remember a historical characterization of one of my ancesterial groups the Scott-Irish most of who were Presbyterian. It was said of them that,"... they were so religious the the first thing they did when they reached America was fall on their knees and give thanks. The second thing they did was fall upon the Indians."
Seems nothing has changed.
I got into it with Timothy once. I forget what about. But I did tell him that his blessings are worth less than horseshit because (a.)he isn't offering them out of true compassion, but smugness, and (b.)the guy clearly just doesn't like human beings very much.

I actually told this professional...(Fill in the blank) that I was truly worried for his soul. Me, a full-blown I-don't-even-believe-in-atheism type telling him that his madness had taken him farther than I figured he'd recognized, and that he needed help.

The thing is, he has a fairly solid amen corner over there, congratulating his simple ass right now, and that just ain't right.
I once read some of diary wrote by an american soldier involed in the death march of the charokee indians... he had tremendous guilt for being involved with what he was seeing done to people, but was afarid to say anything cause he seemed to be the only one who thought it wrong. He ended with... God will surley punish us one day for their blood.
I don't think people are aware of all that happened and the genocide that occured at our own hands.
Some people like to preach, but only if they are preaching to the choir. Otherwise, it gets too difficult.
that's the conservative mentality in a nutshell, er:

"i don't ever want to feel guilt. regardless."

compunction is an important aspect of christianity....

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