Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Fundamentalist American president

WASHINGTON — Hardline U.S. President James Dobson called Tuesday for a purge of liberal and secular professors from the country’s universities, urging students to return to 1660s-style conservatism.

"Today, students should shout at the president and ask why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities," the official Christian America News Agency quoted Dobson as saying during a meeting with a group of students.

Dobson complained that reforms in the country's universities were difficult to accomplish and that the educational system had been affected by secularism for the last 350 years. But, he added: "Such a change has begun."

The president, in his role as head of the country's Council of Christian Fundamentalism -- an agency created by the 28th Amendment, which repealed the First Amendment -- does have the authority to make such changes. But his comments Tuesday seemed designed more to encourage hard-line Christian Fundamentalist students to begin a pressure campaign on their own, thus forcing universities to oust the teachers.

Dobson “retired” dozens of liberal university professors and teachers earlier this year. And last November, the Dobson administration named Donald Wildmon to head the country's most revered bastion of liberalism, the University of California at Berkeley, raising howls of protests from students and alumni.

Dobson is widely believed to need to jockey between various conservative and fundamentalist Christian groups at a time when hard-liners increasingly control more of the top rungs of government but still encounter resistance from parts of the public at large. Moderates also still remain in the government.

But Tuesday's comments seemed to follow a campaign promise by Dobson to develop a more Fundamentalist Christian-oriented country. Since taking office, he has also replaced pragmatic veterans in the government with former “culture war” commanders and inexperienced religious hard-liners.

Yikes. Read the real news story here. Ahmadinejad is a son-of-the-devil. This reminds me of when the Taliban started knocking down ancient Buddhist statues in early 2001, and most people in this country shrugged, if they even noticed.

Fundamentalists suck -- all of them.


Nice little switch above.

Today our great president stated that the Shia and Sunni were two sides of the same terrorist coin. These are the same Sunni and Shia that we are scared to death will cause a blood bath with each other if we leave Iraq. He really dosen't quite get it.
He also compared war or terrorism with WWII and the Cold War. If that is the case why haven't we geared up to that level. Why don't we sell war bonds, raise taxes, conscript for the military, etc. etc. Why are we letting 1% of Americans fight and die for the 99%?
He is so full of it he can't even smell it anymore.
The new Neo-Con slogan: It isn't Facism if it is Us.
Nice slogan, Dr.

You know, ER, I'm just waking up and I was down to the second or third paragraph before I realized that was satire...
Evil doesn't only occur when evil men act - in fact it happens more often when good men FAIL to act. And good does not necessarily equal Christian.Fanatic fundamentalism in any form is dangerous, and certainly needs our attention.
But when only 20% of eligible citizens vote, it is obvious no one is paying attention. To think people used to risk their lives to vote, to learn to read, to sit at the front of the bus, wouldn't our ancenstors be ashamed of us?
I agree about the voting thing. My Democratic Party seems to want to recruit Republicans. Why not go after the 70% of Americans not participating? Indeed, there is more than enough potential voters out there to out-vote either of the sacred two parties now. But alas as the Greeks say, "The Owl of Minerva only flys at dusk." I.E. Wisdom always comes after the fact. Crystal Gayle would say that, "You only want a drink of water when the well runs dry." Same thing.
Whimpering in the wilderness.....
wow, Dr Lobojo. From ancient Greek wisdom to the wisdom of country-western songstress Crystal Gayle, you've got it all...
Well Dan, I have had several people tell me I was full of it lately.
Drlobojo is a fellow erudite redneck, Drlobojo is.
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