Tuesday, September 19, 2006


El Necko Rojo con Erudicion

Or something like that.

I took Spanish for three years of high school. I remember some, but not much -- although I'll bet I could brush up on it pretty quick.

Tonight, I'm going to the first meeting of a Choctaw language class. Dr. ER, whose pee aytch dee is in brains and how they work, more or less, says that the ability to learn language is strongest in the young. I'm a middle-aged fart. We'll see.

My limited Spanish will help me some as the country becomes more and more Mexicanized. Also, if I were to go on for my own pee aytch dee, most programs in my discipline require one or two languages.

Leaning Choctaw will aid in my research of bilingual Choctaw-English newspapers, and would help toward a pee aytch dee, too.

What languages do you speak beside Ingles? How do, or have, you used them?


I speak Redneck, which is why you like me so much.
I speek Suthern, duz dat count.

Yeah chitlins do pick up a langig quikr then adults.

Pinker talks about a Universal Grammar and others talk about the brain before it "gels" during and after puberty
I'd say y'all are effluent!

That's a joke, ah say, that's a joke, son.
Is your goal to speak Choctaw effluently? :)

I took 47 weeks of Urdu while in the the U.S. Army once. My teacher was from Pesawar in the Khyber Pass area. Yep, where OBL is now hiding. That's the land of the Pathans. It is kinda like hiding out with the Comanches in 1850, except the Pathans can make an AK-47 out scrap metal.
Good thing that I am an old fart and have forgotten every single Urdu word I ever knew or I might be getting a free trip to Waziristan.

Best of Luck on your Choctaw.
Thanks. Ha! I'll be talking Choctaw effluently if I'm talkin' crap about somebody!

Them Pathans sound like real badasses.
This class sounds like a blast, ER.

I learned a wee bit of Chickasaw in high school, but have forgotten it all. Ditto Russian. Took German for nearly six years altogether, but haven't used it in over ten and am way more than rusty.

Also took an Old English class, purly for fun, and can recite a bit in it. Can't really claim to speak a dead language, though.
Come to think of it the only Urdu I actually remember is the effluent kind.

Hey, kiki, I don't know how studious an approach it'll be. I hear I'll learn some Scripture and by singing hymns in Choctaw -- which, actually, is kind of cool, and very Indiany in a full circle kind of way, since how most of them first learned English back in the day.
Your joke is particularly funny to me after recent septic tank encounters.

I took three years of French in high school. I tested out of some number of hours in college, somehow. Don't recall now how many but I still, somehow, wound up having to take 18 hours for my degree. I know @#$*# well I didn't take any of that for fun!

Do I use it? Never. Only for understanding occasional funnies online with others who speak pidgeon French.

French was the only subject in my life in which I made a C grade. It did me a lot more damage than good. But Daddy Dearest was sure French would be more useful to me than Spanish. He decided that in 1971. My how surprised he would be today.
I knkow enough French to follow a simple thread on the net... but I couldn't speak it and be understood. I am fluent in Hillbilly. I am slowing learning some Chinese. In China in '98, adopting my daughter, someone asked me if the baby was mine. I reached 20 years back into my memory banks to a Chinese boyfriend who tried to teach me some language in college, and told her pretty fluently, "She is my mother."

They got quite a laugh out of me!
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